R-Day blood test?

In past years, it wasn't on R-Day, but this year it is. It is for a variety of things and is not optional. Blood type, DNA sample, testing for HIV, etc.
If he/she is Class of ‘23 it would be natural to know it having gone through it 2 years ago.
If he/she is Class of ‘23 it would be natural to know it having gone through it 2 years ago.
Yes, but he/she stated that in years past it had not been on R-day; this year it is. That is particular information. My question is still valid.

Of course the Army is going to monitor and validate the medical information already provided them by the new cadets. However, it appears that the "R-day schedule" is changing due to the in-processing over 3 days and the Oath ceremony the next morning versus a singular "R-day." The changes and particulars witnessed so far should be of interest to potential applicants.
I guess...
The main point is that everyone will have a blood test that is not optional (at all academies).
While I cannot vouch for Prospective2019, as a Cow, she/he may be Beast Cadre and very familiar with how Beast I and/or II is being run this year. The class of 2023 would be in an especially good position to know what this year's Beast Barracks will look like.
Yes, but he/she stated that in years past it had not been on R-day; this year it is. That is particular information. My question is still valid.

Of course the Army is going to monitor and validate the medical information already provided them by the new cadets. However, it appears that the "R-day schedule" is changing due to the in-processing over 3 days and the Oath ceremony the next morning versus a singular "R-day." The changes and particulars witnessed so far should be of interest to potential applicants.

I was at R-Day, all three of them to be exact.