Reapplying Question


5-Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
So last year I applied to both USMA and USAFA and was not appointed to either this year. However, due to track, from what I understand and believe, I was offered to go to NMII for both and have a guarenteed appointment for the class of 2016, I did not take this option simply because I felt a year was too long and being from NM NMII is not in a great town:rolleyes:. For USMA the coach even told me that I could go to NMSU, where I am going, and reapply and get in if I redshirt athletics. Air Force I am not sure. I was told by both schools at one point, especially USAFA that I would be in for 2015 for sure. What should I do. I cant get either acadeny out of my head and the feel I am missing out on a great opportunity and something huge??
You could be "missing out on a great opportunity and something huge."

The difficulty is that you don't know the outcome either way. Suppose you don't reapply, more than likely you will still have a successful life. If you don't reapply, more than likely 20 years or whatever you might ask yourself what if I reapply and went to West Point/AFA. Doesn't matter as you can't go back in time. Recently ran into an Army officer who transferred out of West Point after completing Beast, he is a good Army officer so the current end state was the same - Army officer.

As a WP grad, I am sure 99.9% of SA grads will agree with me, I believe I am a better person today because I went to WP.

You have to make decisions in life. No use wondering what if as you can't go back time.

If becoming a military officer is what you want to do, by all mean reapply. However, you just want to attend WP/AFA for free education/presitage/parental pressure/nice looking uniform :smile: don't bother reapply.

Things happen for a reason, perhpas not getting accepted last year was a sign.