REC letters

In addition to the question, does anyone know if an extra LOR (the optional one) creates an effect on my WCS?
Not really sure what the question is here, but the answer is that letters of recommendation are mandatory to submit (I forget the minimum #), and will contribute to the assessment of your potential to be appointed. I would recommend including the extra LOR if possible, but make sure it is well written and adds value/perspective to the mandatory letters. There is no way to know if simply having more LORs adds to your score, but it is reasonable to expect that an extra well-written letter will give admissions a better idea of who you are and subsequently improve your score.

The flip side: if you submit an extra LOR that is poorly written, poorly formatted, and adds little value to the information already presented in the minimum LORs, there is a good chance it will hurt you.
Nothing is "optional". You hopefully have enough exposure and experience that a third, excellent, LOR is easy to get. This seems a bit late in the game for this question.
Nothing is "optional". You hopefully have enough exposure and experience that a third, excellent, LOR is easy to get. This seems a bit late in the game for this question.
Yeah, I did that months ago since my teachers take a bit of time to write it.