
I heard there were a couple of incidents that took place that resulted in the delay. 2nd hand info, but seems viable.
I heard the same but it also seems the upperclass use "recognition" as a cudgel to beat the Plebes with. "We were going to recognize you but (insert XYZ)". Apparently this has been going on for months and its like Charlie Brown kicking a football and Lucy yanking it away - at some point you realize the pointlessness of even trying and focus on the ONLY thing that really matters - grades.
Class of 2021 was April 6, one of the earliest in recent times.
Thank you for aging me, I guess I am no longer a graduate of "recent times". Oh well ... the grey in the beard was already telling me that but I had so far refused to listen.

For the record ... I was recognized in mid-February.
I heard the same but it also seems the upperclass use "recognition" as a cudgel to beat the Plebes with. "We were going to recognize you but (insert XYZ)". Apparently this has been going on for months and its like Charlie Brown kicking a football and Lucy yanking it away - at some point you realize the pointlessness of even trying and focus on the ONLY thing that really matters - grades.
I would disagree. To be recognized you need to complete the recognition steps. Very black and white. If they are not completed, they can not be recognized regardless of the upperclassmen input.
I think in some FB posts and videos are posted day or so later. This is what I can gather:
‘20 - April 21
‘22 - April 23
‘23 - April 24
‘24 - May 1 (several athletic teams were traveling including rowing team)
‘25 - May 9
‘26 - May 1
‘27 - TBD

‘27 - May 18