You're required to submit four letters: math, physics/chemistry, PE, and English. You'll be able to submit these starting August 1st. I couldn't tell you how important they are, but I'm sure four great letters would add some points to your WCS. Just be aware, the PE letter has to be from a certified physical education instructor, not just a coach. Luckily, the PE teacher who administered my CFA was willing to do it for me, so just make sure you have a PE teacher who could do it for you.How do letters of recommendation work? Do they have any value during the application process? If so who would be the best to ask to write one for me? Thanks guys!
The teachers do not submit actual letters. They are sent an email with an evaluation included. They complete the "evaluation" on line and it electronically goes back to West Point. You never see it.
You can talk to your teachers that you want to complete these later in the spring and explain the process.
You will enter their email address into the portal and you are hands off after that.