I got one referral in 9th grade for I think destruction of school property. I plan on that being my only one of my highschool career. What happened was:
During first period I gave my "friend" a textbook but I tossed it to him not hard just a soft toss. I guess it hit him because he started calling me names and making fun of my weight. I called him names back the next thing I know he hits me in the back with a textbook. I was pissed off so I went over to his desk took his iPad (our school provides us with iPads, which is where the destruction of school property comes into account) and smashed it over my knee. I never started the whole fight but I got it all blamed on my as I got a referral (no detention) and he got nothing.
Will this referral effect my application to the academies and should I try to ask my guidance counselor to remove it as it was not my fault or is it nothing to worry about?
During first period I gave my "friend" a textbook but I tossed it to him not hard just a soft toss. I guess it hit him because he started calling me names and making fun of my weight. I called him names back the next thing I know he hits me in the back with a textbook. I was pissed off so I went over to his desk took his iPad (our school provides us with iPads, which is where the destruction of school property comes into account) and smashed it over my knee. I never started the whole fight but I got it all blamed on my as I got a referral (no detention) and he got nothing.
Will this referral effect my application to the academies and should I try to ask my guidance counselor to remove it as it was not my fault or is it nothing to worry about?