Religious Question


5-Year Member
Dec 20, 2010
I was wondering whether cadets are allowed to leave(freshman year) on Sunday morning and evening to attend church services. I know that the Academy has some different services on campus, however I am a non-denominational Christian looking to attend a congregation in the surrounding area. Do you think they would be ok with this as long as I left and came right back. I had heard Mormons (which I am not) could leave. Thanks for any replies.
btw, the USNA Chapel is home to a COMMUNITY non-denominational congregation pastored by USNA chaplains.
Company Officers and Senior Enlisted Leaders are delegated authority to authorize 3/C and 4/C MIDN to attend religious services (off yard), as well as missing Sunday evening formations.

"Liberty by a third-class or Plebe to attend religious services at a house of worship located within the tri-city metropolitan area. Liberty is valid only for the time necessary to go directly to and from the house of worship and for the worship service itself." -- COMDTMIDNINST 5400.6L / MIDREGS

So, yes, it is possible....but I would expect that you must have a some-what legitimate reason to go off the yard (i.e. something that USNA Chaplains/ministry cannot provide).