Reporting from infancy?


Sep 4, 2017
I’ve been reading through these threads, which I now think was a bad idea, because I’m realizing my son may have to look forward to waivers. E haven’t completed the history yet, I’m waiting for medical records.

Here is my panic.... as an infant he had several problems. Including being accidentally dropped on his head by his father (bad memory. Bad mother’s day that year). The result was a skull fracture and a mild hemorrhage which resolved itself in 12 hours, but required a hospital stay. He has never needed follow up. Or had any issues from it. But it has to be reported? I was for some reason under the impression only medical issues after the age of 12 were reported.
Unfortunately, the medical questionnaire asks "Have you ever had or do you now have". I don't think there is an age cutoff (pre/post) however, there are certain conditions or events that are age/time dependent. The fact that it happened so early in life and that there are no subsequent issues is probably favorable.

I went through the same panic stage with my DS last year when we figured out he was "headed" for a DQ based on his previous history of a head trauma and illness. Nonetheless, we were resolute in plodding our way through the waiver process. Luckily, DS was successful and is now half way through his plebe year at West Point.

My advice to you is:
  • Be honest and forthright in your answers but do not self diagnose
  • When answering the follow-up materials (i.e., Head injury questionnaire) be brief, to the point and do not elaborate (only the facts and do not offer anything beyond what is being asked - words matter).
  • Pull together any medical records and have them ready in the event that you have remedial requests or require a waiver
  • Reply to any requests from DoDMERB quickly and exactly as requested
  • Start early and stay on top of the process. In the event a waiver is required there are deadlines and you'd hate to run out of time.
  • Do not give up!
The process can be long and frustrating but it can be navigated successfully. Feel free to PM me on the topic.
Great advice from AZWPDad04! Especially the “don’t self-diagnose” part!
Make sure you know the DoDMERB standard that you are being evaluated against. If you can insert into the explanation facts that support you meeting the standard add that information. Some conditions are black and white. If you have or had it it is an automatic DQ and you will go to the waiver process. However many, if not most conditions have some qualifications like after the age of 12, treatment within the past 12 months, requires a brace, etc. If you can clearly state how you meet the standard put that information into the explanation on the medical history form. Make it easy for the tech reviewing your history to determine that you meet the standard.