I’ve been reading through these threads, which I now think was a bad idea, because I’m realizing my son may have to look forward to waivers. E haven’t completed the history yet, I’m waiting for medical records.
Here is my panic.... as an infant he had several problems. Including being accidentally dropped on his head by his father (bad memory. Bad mother’s day that year). The result was a skull fracture and a mild hemorrhage which resolved itself in 12 hours, but required a hospital stay. He has never needed follow up. Or had any issues from it. But it has to be reported? I was for some reason under the impression only medical issues after the age of 12 were reported.
Here is my panic.... as an infant he had several problems. Including being accidentally dropped on his head by his father (bad memory. Bad mother’s day that year). The result was a skull fracture and a mild hemorrhage which resolved itself in 12 hours, but required a hospital stay. He has never needed follow up. Or had any issues from it. But it has to be reported? I was for some reason under the impression only medical issues after the age of 12 were reported.