Roller Coaster Ride Continues


DS - USMMA 2011
10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Mar 24, 2009
Jasperdog on July 19, 2010 wrote the following:

At the risk of sounding like a broken record but in response to the various ups and downs expressed here re both the mids and the parents of the Class of 2015:

1) Your kids sound tiered because they are likely over-tired at this point in time of Indoc. It's all part of the process - that isn't meant to comfort you but to explain/highlight that it happens every year. If our sons and daughters who went before yours could do it, so can yours and when these 16 days are over they Will go to what I call the next phase of Plebe year. It goes fast because there are, IMO, 8 parts 1) Indoc (16 days); 2) Indoc - Acceptance/Parents Weekend (4 weeks); 3) Acceptance - 1st trimester midterms (~3 1/2 weeks); 4) midterms - End of first tri/B Splits return from sea (7 weeks); 5) Start of 2nd Tri - Christmas Break; 6) Return from Christmas/Take 2nd Tri Mid Terms - End of 2nd Trimester; 7) Start of 3rd Tri/2013 B Splits return to Sea -Recognition (date TBD) - License Prep Starts; 8) License "Time" - Graduation. Throughout each of these 8 time periods your DS/DD PC - Plebe - Fourth Classmen will have a different focus/item driving them from the Regimental and Academic aspects of their lives, additionally depending on their extra - curricula rs overlay those events. If you look at this way you'll indeed probably better understand why it feels like you and they are on a roller coaster - because indeed things do move fast in this world. The truth is the 11 months between now and 2011 Graduation weekend, broken up into the various key parts Z Split/B Split - 3 Trimesters - Pre Acceptance - Pre Recognition - Post Recognition, etc makes for a dynamic, at times disheartening, at other times exhilarating experience.

In the end the majority of the 340 odd entering PCs for the class of 2014 will enjoy the June Weekend festivities at KP and watching the Class of 2011 graduate. However, the truth is, USMMA is indeed not for everyone and vice versa so some of each of the other classes won't stay from now through June. With my parent hat on, that makes me sad and also tells me above all else as a parent and mentor, it's incumbent on us to be non-judge mental, supportive, and understanding without misleading them or underestimating the challenges they are facing or will face the rest of the journey.

For those whose DS/DD are "thriving" - I say great, just don't get on too high an emotional peak though as it's likely your DS/DD will have their down moments too.

For those whose DS/DD sounded discouraged, bad, down, etc. I say offer them support and encouragement in whatever way works - you know your kids better than anybody - and count to whatever you have to until the next contact as you are just as likely to find, next time you correspond or talk they are as up as anybody else's kids.

Keep your hands and feet inside the cars and enjoy the ride folks...

It thought it was worth re-quoting and repeating.

Enjoy the ride folks, enjoy the ride.