ROTC scholarship - can it be used for MMI SAP program?


5-Year Member
Aug 16, 2016
Good evening. I have read all I can about MMI and could not find the answer to this question. Our DS is a high school senior, and is applying to USAFA this fall. In addition, he will soon hear if he will be able to get an AFROTC scholarship. if he fails to get a direct appt to USAFA for next year, he is strongly considering self-prepping at MMI.

If he gets an Air Force ROTC scholarship offer, can it be used at MMI for the SAP program if he chooses it for self-prep with hopes of reapplying to USAFA? Thanks.
Give MMI a call. We have a cross-town agreement with University of Alabama AFROTC. I don't know if AFROTC scholarships can be used at MMI, or have to be used at the host school, but it might be worth looking into. The admissions number is 1-800-664-1842. You can also ask for LTC Thomas Bowen. He's the director of the Service Academy Program.
I'm currently a self prep for USAFA at MMI so if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them! Shoot me a PM.