Satellite/ Cross-Town Affiliate ROTC


5-Year Member
Dec 24, 2015
How do these units work? Are there special times for classes, training, etc? What does this mean in terms of the scholarship? I applied to WPI- a crosstown affiliate to College of the Holy Cross, does this mean that there is a individual unit at WPI and just the resources (officers/classes) are at Holy Cross, or are all of the schools under the affiliate umbrella in one unit due to numbers?
Depends on the numbers at the school. DD attends a host school but her battalion has two other main schools with classes and PT. Students at several other schools commute to one of the three. Then they join together for major training and events. Based on how active DD has been and relationships she has made, it seems like it would be a challenge commuting from one of the schools that does not have classes and PT, especially if it's a significant distance, but it's possible.
How do these units work? Are there special times for classes, training, etc? What does this mean in terms of the scholarship? I applied to WPI- a crosstown affiliate to College of the Holy Cross, does this mean that there is a individual unit at WPI and just the resources (officers/classes) are at Holy Cross, or are all of the schools under the affiliate umbrella in one unit due to numbers?
We went to WPI and Holy Cross to visit. After speaking with some WPI NROTC students, yes you have to go cross town to Holy Cross where you will meet up with the unit and do PT etc at Holy Cross. If you don't have your own car, the WPI students work it out together, It is not that far, but depending on time of day traffic considerations come into play. And there is always the weather- snow, ice etc can make it a longer commute.
A NROTC unit commander and a AFROTC unit commander at different schools told my daughter that if she went to these schools, she could PT with the Army ROTC unit at the school she was attending and only needed to commute once a week for classes (and other times for meetings). So, it depends on the unit . Call or email them and ask.
How do these units work? Are there special times for classes, training, etc? What does this mean in terms of the scholarship? I applied to WPI- a crosstown affiliate to College of the Holy Cross, does this mean that there is a individual unit at WPI and just the resources (officers/classes) are at Holy Cross, or are all of the schools under the affiliate umbrella in one unit due to numbers?
Don't sweat it. My DS was crosstown, the mids will work it out. Each unit develops their own "culture." MSI and MSII year there were enough cadets in his company that he only travelled crosstown once a week and if he needed to speak to anyone in the office in person. MSIII and IV years came with more battalion responsibilities and required more trips to the home school, but by then he had a car.
As mentioned, you will have to go to Holy Cross for ROTC, but it's only 3-4 miles away depending on which route you go, so not a big deal to work out. Both great schools too.