Sea Trials Underway!


5-Year Member
Jan 8, 2016
As I post this, the Class of 2020 is half way through Sea Trials! From what I've seen on Facebook, there was definitely a mix of anxiety, dread and excitement leading up to this. But last night, my DS said, "We're ready, we got this." And from the video I've seen so far from Stars & Stripes and the local TV station, most seem to be doing quite well. Of course, we'll see how they look at the end of the day, but so far, so good!

If we cannot find a way, we will make a way
Congrats to them. They will do well. Every class makes it through the day. It is tiring physically. Like Plebe Summer, no single event is out of control hard, it's the culmination of moving Non-stop, being in cold water, and the mental games of exhaustion. They will be happy when it's over! And for those who want to be Marines... gives them a small taste of the 54 hour challenge USMC recruits complete to earn their EGA.
Saint Brendan the Navigator. Another great Irishman. I forgot about the stained glass window. During my DDs wedding I took my brother in law to see Admiral Barry's Bible in the corner. He is related and appreciated it. Good luck to all at Sea Trials. Have to get the kids some St. Brendan Medals.
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DS just reported in from Sea Trials: broken schnozz from pugil stick fighting. 2nd break this year... Woof, that beak is getting funky looking.

So he's done for the day. He's disappointed, but heading back out to support his company mates.

Parents are hearing that 70 got injured in one way or another or were pulled due to exhaustion...????
Parents are hearing that 70 got injured in one way or another or were pulled due to exhaustion...????

The number of those who didn't finish is closer to 40, I think the Dant said something like 807 of 849 completed the whole 14 hours.

There were a handful of significant ones (compound fracture, etc) but most are fine.
I hear that a female Mid was knocked-out...cold, in pugil competition (first blow). Anyway, all done now. I am waiting for a call from DD, she texted me "H___ ___t that was insane. I will tell you about it tomorrow, I need sleep and my whole body hurts"

Note to parents of plebes2B(if you read this): By the time your DD/DS gets to Sea Trials, they won't be worried about minor injuries, or the level of physical or emotional challenge. By this time next year they'll know that they can master what’s ahead of them and (at least in my DDs case) they will look forward to taking another challenge with their shipmates at their shoulder.

If you must worry; worry about how quickly they will grow up next year. If you must prepare for something; prepare to have all that happen far far away in places and events that you don't get to observe. Its all good-----but D___ it happens fast.
Note to parents of plebes2B(if you read this): By the time your DD/DS gets to Sea Trials, they won't be worried about minor injuries, or the level of physical or emotional challenge.

Nailed it. It's amazing to watch a kid who just 2 years ago was looking at us to answer for him at a doctors appt to the one who broke his nose, wiped off the blood, got it glued back together at the BMU, and then ran back out to rejoin the fray and complete some of the last events with his company mates. They've learned in this year of trial by fire that they can handle tough obstacles with both their growing individual confidence and the incredible bonds they'reforming with their teammates. Which I suppose is the point.
It is the point. It's to push themselves mentally and physically beyond the point they thought possible. It's to know they are stronger as a group than as individuals. It's to push themselves to not be the weakest link on a team and carry the load. It shows them just because they might be weak in one event, the team will help them. And they return it in their strong events.

In 3 short years they will be the ones ready to commission and you guys will be wondering where all the time went! I was barely 24 years old and I had all these Marines staring at me at my first combat deployment. I had to lead, even in the worst circumstances, even when I felt bad, even when it was 120+ degrees with 70+ lbs (that didn't include packs) on for a patrol, even after we lost people we had to go back out. Events like this give you the confidence to know you can handle 25 miles in 14 hours, know that you can take a hit to the face with a broken nose and continue, to continue to lead those around you.

Congrats to Plebes for finishing Sea Trials and nearly done with a long year. Enjoy youngster year, don't do anything stupid, and have fun!
As I post this, the Class of 2020 is half way through Sea Trials! From what I've seen on Facebook, there was definitely a mix of anxiety, dread and excitement leading up to this. But last night, my DS said, "We're ready, we got this." And from the video I've seen so far from Stars & Stripes and the local TV station, most seem to be doing quite well. Of course, we'll see how they look at the end of the day, but so far, so good!

If we cannot find a way, we will make a way
I haven't been on this forum since March of last year! Now that DS has finished Sea Trials and I'm reading all these comments. It's funny, I'm trying to figure out who you are by your " handles"! Coach Karl, you're SO nailed!
Do O-block and miss Herndon and come back a Plebe no more. DD said Sea Trials was not anything like TBS. It is three more years to go. I thought they had cages on the helmits in the pit?
It's funny, I'm trying to figure out who you are by your "handles"
Long-time lurker first-time poster here. It is unfortunate that most people using social media apps do not know how to do it safely and securely. It is all too easy to gain access or friend someone on facebook, even those in the closed groups, because moc, schools and local newspapers all like to brag about someone got accepted to a service academy. This is not a complaint about posters on SAF, but the people on the boarder social media apps. Although I did see a lot more people using their real pictures as their profile pictures, even wear a service academy t-shirt and posting with their appointment certificates. Sad.