Seaman to Admiral Program


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Mar 10, 2008
I wasn't entirely sure where to post this since it really isn't entirely academy related but it was a question that I was pondering.

Recently, a Navy recruiter met with me to talk about the option the Navy has to offer. I told him that I was looking more closely at the officer side of the Navy rather than the enlisted side. I also mentioned that I do want to go to college (and earn a degree hopefully :thumb:). We talked a bit about the NROTC and USNA but he also was pushing the Seaman to Admiral program.

I heard about this program when my brother graduated boot and there was a Lt. Commander talking to some recruits about it. But I didn't know much about it. It is a definite possibility for me as a backup plan.

The recruiter said that he thought it was in his opinion almost "better than going to the Naval Academy." The way he explained it was that immediately after boot you put in your application and if you are qualified you get accepted then go to college for 3 years to and get a bachelors degree then get commissioned as an ensign.

Now what aren't they telling me? I'm not suggesting that the recruiter wasn't giving me the truth, but it seems sugarcoated to me. Questions like how competitive is this program, and the like were not addressed... Does anyone have any insight into this program?


Interesting, I've seen Seamen who had trouble going from seaman to third class petty officer...but then to admiral. It's hard enough in the "captain to admiral" route.
The Seaman to Admiral program was started back in 1994 or so by then-CNO Admiral Boorda, who actually DID climb from Seaman Recruit to become CNO. Sadly, his career ended when he decided to take his own life rather than permit the sleazebag media from generating yet another Navy-harming scandal over the fact that he was wearing a decoration he apparently had not earned, but thought he had. He was the first non-USNA CNO, IIRC, and was respected by officers and enlisted alike.

Way to go, Drive By's! :unhappy:

At any rate, the Seaman-to-Admiral Program is a program whereby exceedingly-gifted and well-performing enlistedmen are able to apply for and compete for slots in Officer Ascension Programs such as OCS and even USNA.

One of the prouder moments of my service was in 1995 when a kid on my ship asked to apply for the program. His chain of command was supportive, and as the Admin Officer on the ship I was asked to give it a once-over before it was sent up for approval. The kid and I spent an entire night while our watch section was on duty going over his application package line by line. He was smart and eager, but his writing skills needed some work. When we were done, we sent it up.

Months later, after I had been pulled off the ship for medical reasons, word got back to me that the kid had been accepted! :biggrin:

So yes, there is (or at least WAS) such a program, but a) it is reserved for the VERY BEST of the VERY BEST, and is EXTREMELY competitive.
We talked a bit about the NROTC and USNA but he also was pushing the Seaman to Admiral program.
The recruiter said that he thought it was in his opinion almost "better than going to the Naval Academy."

Of course the recruiter was pushing this program - he is a recruiter. He wants you to enlist. Recruiter need to meet goals - if you enlist and apply for this then he gets credit. If you are appointed to USNA he doesn't get credit.
While it may be an option - it is risky. If you don't get it then you are still enlisted.

The purpose of these programs is to identify gifted enlisted early on who have great leadership potential. Not to be used as a "back up" or alternative to USNA or even NROTC. I am willing to bet most of the kids who apply came from a family background where they didn't even consider or didn't have parental support for college. Some may never even have heard of USNA.
It sounds like the recruiter is looking out for himself and not you.
It sounds like the recruiter is looking out for himself and not you.

Recruiters are infamous for that. You mention "Naval Academy" and they immediately shift into the "If you're an enlistedman and then an officer, it's better than USNA!" mode.

I heard the exact same thing in MY day, too, and I almost fell for it. Whooooo-WEE!!! My dad was PISSED when I told him about that conversation. He freaked because he thought I had already enlisted and thrown out my chances for USNA.

Do not, DO NOT, listen to a recruiter when it comes to USNA or NROTC. It's like asking the car salesman to recommend what car to get; HUGE conflict of interest.
A bit off topic, but can't still enlists apply to USNA, then go to NAPS if not fully qualified?
Zaphod said:
"If you're an enlistedman and then an officer, it's better than USNA!"

^^ Yes! Haha, exactly! He insisted that he wasn't discouraging ROTC or academy, but he made it sound that way.

Zaphod said:
reserved for the VERY BEST of the VERY BEST, and is EXTREMELY competitive.
This is what I expected. Wasn't entirely sure though.

Thank you all for the info! I will be not signing any papers anytime soon:wink: I was just curious at how the whole process worked. It seems like more of a lottery option to me now. I appreciate the comments and now if they want to bother me anymore I'll have some questions to ask :thumb: