Senior Year Classes


USAFA 2026
Feb 19, 2020
I am currently picking my classes for my Senior year. I have either the option of taking HN Calculus AB or AP Statistics. Calculus would be a difficult class and I’d probably end up with a B meanwhile in Stats I could end up with a higher grade. My question is, which class would better prepare me for USAFA and make me more competitive? Thank you!
Im in the same situation and I am currently signed up for AP Calculus AB. Guidance counselor said Calculus is a better class to have on transcript.
Calculus will better prepare you for cadet life. However, Academy Admissions repeats that a solid foundation in Algebra is better than exposure to calculus. But, calculus will also make you more competitive. If you think you're going to do terrible in Calc, don't take it. But if you think you could do well, go ahead.

Also, I'll give you the stereotypical SAF answer: take both.
Speaking as a current senior candidate in AP Stats - take calc. My biggest regret if highschool was taking stats. Get a good foundation