Son in 4th of 5 years AFROTC was at PT yesterday and suffered a shoulder dislocation. Was reduced at local ER. Any advice for approaching this in future? I see it is a big source of DQ. He has never had any prior issues at all. Any advice will help.
Shoulder subluxation are not the same, by the way, subluxation refers to movement but without a complete dislocation...@Tb637 , If you haven't done so, search on this forum for shoulder dislocation" or "shoulder subluxation"--they are the same thing. This is a fairly frequent topic among HS athletes.
. One way or the other, if your son wants to lead any kind of active life inside or outside of the military, surgery should be in the cards and it is nothing to fear.
hill sachs is an old term to describe a divit in the ball of the humerus, which if present, suggests an increased risk for recurrent dislocation. so, if your son needed surgery, even if he had this they might not mention it.@Airsoft- what is “Hill Sachs Deformity”? I ask bc I’m picking up DS surgical records tomorrow. He had a torn labrum & surgery this summer. I don’t recall the Dr mentioning anything like that but curious what this is or what part it plays in shoulder dislocations.