SLE acceptance?


Mar 16, 2021
Hello all,
I recently received an email from west point admission congratulating me about my acceptance in the 46th annual west point sle. I went to the site that it told me to go to and completed the "check list." It then told me that they would review my file and report back about my admissions and it also says pending in my application status section. My question here is did I get in because I recieved a email and text message congratulating me about my acceptance and I just had to complete the check list to pick workshops and session preference or is my admissions still up in the air for review?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
I believe your acceptance is official when it says so in your portal, but I could be mistaken.
You’re in! They’ll make it official on the site once you pick workshops and session. Mine was almost immediate after that.