SLS Classes


5-Year Member
Sep 11, 2012
On USNA`s Summer Seminar brochure I was looking at, they listed the various classes that one can take, but on West Point`s brochure for their SLS, I saw no such thing, it just said classes in math, science, and humanities, if I remember it correctly. Anybody know what classes, exactly, one could take? :confused: I don`t need specific names, but just an idea would be fine. Something similar to USNA`s offerings is what I`m guessing. I`ve still got a year anyhow until I can apply, but am just one of those curious souls, I guess :rolleyes:.
From what I remember about last year's SLS there were 15 different workshops to choose from. The ones that I remember are

Leadership and Ethics
Behavioral Sciences and Leadership
Computer Sciences
Mock Trial
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Systems Engineering
Foreign Languages

I went to the two leaderships and history and liked them. I remember a lot of people liking the engineering ones and the computer sciences