So will they accept DS CFA Video


5-Year Member
Mar 8, 2016
My DS took an opportunity by the NJ regional staff to take his CFA in Livingston this past Sunday. Leave it to my son to forget his wallet though I asked him 10 times before we left if he had everything he needed. Albeit he took it once given by his HS athletic director he wants to keep taking it then decide which to submit. So as you know during the recording of the Pullup and Pushup section no ID could be shown . He was the only one to max the pullups that day ( I was surprised not many of the other guys did more than 5 and some could only pull 1 at most ) Do we even bother with this CFA date as everything was a better than his first other than his mile was 6:50 vs 6:02 the previous time. Hamstring issue nagging him between his XC and Crew team participation. The guy leading the event kind of said in his actions it was a waste of time showing up. He will have at it again at the NJ regional chance I believe Nov 5th
I would suggest that your son direct this question to his field force rep.
From my message prior " The guy leading the event kind of said in his actions it was a waste of time showing up." but had no clear answer in my opinion it was the FFR
So, was this person a FFR or not? I am unclear but it doesn't really matter. What would be in your son's best interest would be to establish a relationship with a FFR. Then ask that person how best to handle the CFA and which scores to send to WP.

My son's FR gave him specific instructions regarding the CFA - where to take it, how often to take it and what scores to send to WP.

Good luck to your son.
Consider the first two tests as timed practices and hope that he improves. A good part of the test is technique and mental preparedness. If his first test was decent there should be no stress taking the third as he has scores available to submit and he can focus on getting his best scores yet in a couple weeks.
It does not appear that the video events have to be from the actual CFA test that it submitted, but can be performed and taped separately. So go ahead and send which ever testing is the best.
Perhaps, I know it was allowed when they first began the requirement of a video submission but now the instructions imply it must be during the test which is perhaps why the person administering test gave indications that it was a waste of time. I'm 2 years now removed from the process so I could be wrong. I do know the Army is a stickler for detail and following orders. Documents/CFA_Instructions.pdf