Softly Call The Muster


10-Year Member
Jan 29, 2011
If you have a spare 10 minutes and change you might enjoy a short film recently released by the A&M Association of Former Students.

On April 21, a Southwest Airlines flight between Washington, D.C., and Houston hosted a unique and exceptional Muster, with participants including four Aggie veterans of World War II -- one of whom was at Corregidor for the legendary 1946 Muster there.

The flight was part of Honor Flight Houston, a national program that sends World War II, Korea, and Vietnam War veterans to Washington, D.C., to visit the memorials erected in their honor.

This was the first occasion known to The Association of Former Students of a "Muster in the sky." Watch the short film, Softly Call the Muster, from The Association below.

I'll point out, as a non-Aggie (but father of two) if you can keep a dry eye you are a better man than I.
Awesome short film.
Reminds me of the four WWII vets, we (KC AOG) hosted, and many other vets from various wars/years that we joined this past weekend for a Memorial Day dinner and symphony concert.