

10-Year Member
Sep 12, 2006
heres some interesting info my friend who went to CGa and now is going to MMA with me sent me...

4/C STANDARDS for Delta Company
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Stated by 2006 Fall Company Guidons [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Greeting

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Strong, clear (no mumbling)

    [*]• Upperclass should understand and differentiate each greeting

    [*]• Professional greetings (no "what's up, sir/ma'am")

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Squaring

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Brace should be maintained throughout squaring movements

    [*]• Arms remain rigged in

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Brace/Marching down passageway

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Covers stowed at all times/quickly after entering a building

    [*]• Should not be reading, drinking from water bottles, etc.

    [*]• Bodies should remain aligned with center line of body (no listing/rolling)

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Quick-timing

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. 0600-1900

    [*]• Marching at 120 bmp, quickly enough to be passing upperclass

    [*]• Moving with a sense of urgency inside the barracks and out

    [*]• Pick up feet when walking (no shuffling, scuffing, sauntering)

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Double-timing

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Whenever in soft-soled shoes in Chase 0600-1900/outside Chase 0600-1600

    [*]• Arms rigged in and parallel to deck, feet coming higher than at a quick time

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Uniforms

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Inspection-ready status at all times

    [*]• Ribbons/name tag ¼ inch above pocket and level

    [*]• Trops: creases mandatory/SDBs: creases optional but recommended

    [*]• No watermarks, stains, trailing threads

    [*]• Center of collar device 2 inches from front of garrison cover, facing forward

    [*]• Shoes/boots well-shined

    [*]• Brass always shined/all lacquer removed

    [*]• Study hour shirts tucked in at all times (no team gear, except 1550-1830 to accommodate sports practices)

    [*]• Regular haircuts for men/necks shaved at a taper

  1. • Hair off the collar in a bun or length not exceeding collar bottom, wrapped by properly colored band for women

  1. [*]• Clean shaven daily; no goatees while in possession of a shaving chit

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Rooms

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Decks have a clean, bright sheen at all times, swept and clear of dust

    [*]• Lay wax regularly when appropriate

    [*]• No gear adrift

    [*]• Blinds open

    [*]• Racks tucked in and smoothed out with proper hospital corners

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Sections

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. No talking

    [*]• March all the way to destination (no stopping early)

    [*]• Fall out properly (halt, face first)

    [*]• March in section to and from ALL Ops Spotlights (even optional)

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]By Your Leave

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Ask for permission to walk around upperclass/officers

    [*]• Make sure to greet as well

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Excuses/needing a reason to do everything

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Strive to take initiative for tasks and duties for which they have received training or are expected to have competence in

    [*]• Follow legitimate orders given by ALL other cadets and all officers company chiefs; challenges should never be made publicly (4/c should talk in private to superior with whom he or she has a problem)

    [*]• "No one told me to do it" is not an excuse for things that are expected

    [*]• Own their mistakes

the rest

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Clocks [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Stick to what is in the running light (meals, days to go, movies, good words, etc)

    [*]• 10 min, then 7-3 minutes

    [*]• Take clocks that are not covered (NO clock should ever be left empty for 7-3 minutes)
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Senior Person [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. By week, alphabetical rotation
• Communicate between guidon and the 4/C

  1. • Responsible to fill all orderlies jobs to maximize efficiency
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Permission to come aboard/shove off [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Halt at attention, salute if covered, ask permission for company officers, chiefs, commanders, XOs rooms at all times
• Halt at attention, ask permission for upperclass’ rooms
• While speaking to upperclass, 4/c need to be braced up (always with 3/c), and only carry-on if granted specifically by a 2/c or 1/C
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Correspondence and Communication [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Use "I respectfully request" format when writing notes, requests, emails, or letters
• End written correspondence with "Respectfully" [FONT=Venetian 30 1 BT,Venetian]or [/FONT]"Very Respectfully"
• Address the person(s) properly
• "Sir’s" and "Ma’am’s" shall not be dropped at any time
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Orderlies [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. 0642 (prior to AM training) daily[FONT=Venetian 30 1 BT,Venetian]; shall be done in under 8 minutes [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian 30 1 BT,Venetian][/FONT]Senior 4/c person responsible for sign-ups; delegate by personal preference/strengths/location
• Expectations: wipe down all head surfaces, empty all company trash bins, take bagged trash from mother buckets down, SEPARATE recycles and trash, sweep p-ways[FONT=Venetian 30 1 BT,Venetian], organize gearheads [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Chain of Command/Outlets for Questions and Grievances [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Military/Company-affected: 4/c Senior Person > Guidon > Company XO/CO or directly to Company Chief
• Personal/Interpersonal (grades, relationships, general academy concerns): Division 3/C > Division 2/C > Division head etc.
• Alternate [FONT=Venetian 30 1 BT,Venetian]ideas[/FONT]: Thought of the Week; Suggestion Box; AFFF (A Friday Feedback Form—fill-in form that gives division [FONT=Venetian 30 1 BT,Venetian]& [/FONT]guidon feedback from fourth class)
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Indoc [/FONT]
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. Required to know 3 meals in advance at all times, know the basic CLOCKS information throughout the academic day
• Required to know Company Command staff by beginning of September/Reg Staff and all company guidons by halfway through September/all company upperclass by name by about the end of September
• Indoc quizzes weekly for various Boards-preparation indoc:
  1. [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    distributed by 4/c senior person
    [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    [/FONT]turned into and graded by division 3/c (keep division informed)

    1. [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
      reviewed, tabulated, reported to guidon by department MAA
      [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
      [/FONT]coordinated with other 7 companies by guidons/suggestions for improvement or congratulations passed directly to 4/c (individual 4/c suggestions passed back down the MAA-3/c-4/c chain)
      [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
      [/FONT]division 3/c and 2/c quiz regularly and council when appropriate each division 4/c at formations
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]​

[/FONT][FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]
  1. 4/c should still be abiding by the "Swab Rules" in their running lights
• Required to attend Sunday Taps unless a legitimate excusal/chit exists
• Recommended to attend Wednesday Taps with Delta 3/c
• Recommended/given opportunity to go fun/exciting/new Saturday morning trainings and events designed to draw 2010 together (ideas: sector Boston trip, exchange cadet unique trainings, 4/c bowling or paintball)
and last

3/C EXPECTATIONS for Delta Company
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian301 Dm BT]Stated by 2006 Fall Company Guidons [/FONT]
Work with Division and MAA’s on indoc (share teaching, quiz grading, counseling work load)
Increase involvement:

  1. • Beginning end of September:
    1. [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    [FONT=Courier New,Courier New][/FONT]
    Follow along on 4/c room inspections on any Sunday walkthroughs
    [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    [/FONT]Assist in PI of division’s 4/c
[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian]Run Wednesday Evening Taps [/FONT]

[FONT=Venetian301 Dm BT,Venetian][/FONT]Mock Boards around February/March

• Saturday AM 4/c trainings

  1. [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    3/c collect, think through, and propose ideas
    [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    [FONT=Courier New,Courier New]
    [/FONT]To occur about twice a month

  1. • Greet 4/c back

  1. [*]• Uphold the uniform regulations to lead by example

    [*]• Maintain a neat room appearance

    [*]• Do not close doors when unauthorized