Status Change Timing?

Here is my DS timeline...

DS was born with heart defect, which required surgery (open heart). Defect was repaired at the age of 2 months. Fast-forward, to 9th grade; DS was diagnosed with spondylolysis, minor - no surgeries - only physical therapy for 5 months. DS attended The Citadel, while there he was told by the Navy ROTC unit that a wavier WOULD NOT be granted. DS continued on and graduated 2016. August 2016, started grad school at Clemson; Completed 2 semesters there.
Back in March '17, he contacted a Marine Officer Selection Officer (OSO) for OCS.
June '17 DoDMERB physical & eye exam completed;
June 21st - DoDMERB remedial requested; remedial submitted same day;
July 7th - DoDMERB status changed to "Does not meet medical standards"; DS contacted his OSO and he immediately put in for wavier and told DS what medical forms along with doctor release statements to submit - submitted all forms same day;
July 7th - DoDMERB status changed to "Pending waiver submission/review".
3 long weeks go by and no change to status, no news; nothing; he checked his DoDMERB status everyday, several times a day.
July 31st - DS gets call from OSO and states that he had official letter that his wavier had been GRANTED!!!!
September 19th - DoDMERB status finally changed to the following:
Medical Waiver Granted
Code D259.90 - Wavier Approved - Marine Officer Program

Now, when DS went to his Officer interview with his OSO, he was informed to make appointments with his cardiologist and back doctors to get release statements and doctor office visit reports to have on stand-by, because that information would be requested. DS got all of that completed by the end of April. DS even went the extra mile and got a stress-test.

DQ codes...
R250.96 Pending waiver review by Marine Officer
D101.00 History of heart valve condition
D102.20 Current or history of congenital anomalies of heart and great vessels
D227.80 Current or history of spondylolysis

One PROUD and happy parent here!!!!