Status changed to Winner

Same here! So happy for #3. Also, one of my mom friend's son's page changed to four year winner. So, it is happening...
Kaydeeloo, was your boy heading to VMI?
No, Tx A&M, but he hasn't been admitted yet. Hopefully this will help!! It lists his top 3 schools and "Pending Acceptance". Does that mean pending acceptance to the university?
Yes, it is pending acceptance to the university.
My DS just found out he was awarded 4 year scholarships to his top 3 plan B schools this morning. It shows ' Pending acceptance' for all three even though he has already been accepted to his top 2 choices. I was thinking the 'pending acceptance' was for the scholarship itself. Guess we'll wait for the letter.
My DS just found out he was awarded 4 year scholarships to his top 3 plan B schools this morning. It shows ' Pending acceptance' for all three even though he has already been accepted to his top 2 choices. I was thinking the 'pending acceptance' was for the scholarship itself. Guess we'll wait for the letter.
DD's also says Pending Acceptance for all three and she has been accepted, so we too wait to see what it means :) moms...we know but do your kids know? They are all at school. Are you going to tell him/her? I don't think I am going to tell #3. I think he will have to look it up or wait for the mail...
DrMom- I sent a quick text to my son that he might want check his status as soon as I saw kaydeeloo's post that her sons status had changed to winner. Within a minute, he sent me back a screenshot of his award of 4 year scholarship. He wants to tell his dad himself, which I totally understand, but since my husband is working from home today it is SOOOO hard to keep the news to myself. I may not have much of a tongue left if I have to keep biting it [emoji23]
Last edited: moms...we know but do your kids know? They are all at school. Are you going to tell him/her? I don't think I am going to tell #3. I think he will have to look it up or wait for the mail...
DD was the one who saw it and told me, she had a break and checked!
My son is at baseball practice right now, but I have to go up there to help with team pictures. I think I'll go ahead and tell him because I'm afraid one of the schools might call him first and he'll act like a numbskull and not know what they're talking about. I had not told him that this is THE WEEK because I figure he has enough stuff to think about. As for the "pending acceptance".... My son got his top three. They all say pending acceptance. He's already been accepted to #2 and #3. Just waiting on #1!!
Should we expect that everything is updated by now or do you think they are still working on posting the winners? My DD is still listed as "Boarded" so not sure if we should still bother to check the website or if all the winners would have already been updated by now for this board.
"Pending Acceptance" referrers to the scholarship, not the school
I hate to sound dense, but pending who accepting the scholarship? The school accepting it and being willing to take my son, or my son accepting it?
your son
ROTC has no idea of his status with the various schools
You can get a scholarship to a school you did not even apply to if it is on your list.
The forth coming letter and packet details how to accept his scholarship
My DD got one too, but for 3 yrs. She said she may want to change her school, so now we have to wait for the letter to see if and how she can. She is also still waiting to hear from USMA too. Fingers crossed. Congratulations to everyone who has gotten it and good luck to everyone still waiting.
for those with status that changed to winner for this board - can you post the stats of your DD or DS? I am wondering if my daughter should move on to plan B or if there is still a chance for her with the 3rd board.