Summer Opportunities


Oct 8, 2015
I am currently a freshman in high school. I am planning on volunteering with a local organization that works with kids from low-income families to help them stay away from drugs, gangs, alcohol, etc. I may also get a job, but unfortunately a lot of companies do not hire someone my age.

Are there any other good summer opportunities I should be aware of?
My daughter who is a rising freshman applied to STEM camp at the USNA. She also has multiple advanced trainings for Sea Cadets (Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA) and hopefully Seamanship 1). Next summer she wants to apply for Sea Camp at Texas A&M, they have one where you work with the sea turtles on the gulf. This year they only had "fishing camp" and she was completely not interested. She also has band camp most of the summer since she's a freshman and incoming student council meetings.
I've never heard of Startalk before.
Checkout STARTALK: desc

and SEAP:

Some high schools give credits for classes completed in STARTALK, and you receive a stipend if selected for SEAP.

I am planning on volunteering with a local organization that works with kids from low-income families to help them stay away from drugs, gangs, alcohol, etc.

This is better than a job IMHO, especially if you don't need the income. Could you do both?
Prior threads posted by the OP in 2015 made it sound like he was already a freshman in h.s. Can you clarify the grade you are currently in?
Checkout STARTALK: desc

and SEAP:

Some high schools give credits for classes completed in STARTALK, and you receive a stipend if selected for SEAP.

This is better than a job IMHO, especially if you don't need the income. Could you do both?

Unfortunately I wasn't accepted to SEAP this year, but I'll definitely apply again next year.

I'm probably just going to volunteer with the organization I mentioned, since I cannot find a local job that hires someone my age.
I'm probably just going to volunteer with the organization I mentioned, since I cannot find a local job that hires someone my age.
What about taking summer class(es) that could boost your standing/gpa in school and taking next in sequence one(s) during the school year? Is that an option in your school district?
What about taking summer class(es) that could boost your standing/gpa in school and taking next in sequence one(s) during the school year? Is that an option in your school district?

I'm taking online health over the summer. It is a graduation requirement so I'm trying to get it out of the way over the summer so I can take two science courses next year.
I should have applied to be the Education Secretary! Please don't throw eggs at me - this IS an off topic thread!!!