Summer Seminar Acceptance Notification + Application question


New Member
Dec 26, 2016
When does the academy alert applicants if they were accepted or denied to Summer Seminar? Also, I completed my application and submitted it on the 26th of December. However, I made additional changes to my application on the 15 of January. Will the review board be able to see the changes I made?
Yes they will see the changes you made, since you didn't send them in after the deadline.
Last year most applicants received a notification early February. I received my offer on the 13th of Feb
To all you discouraged about not getting accepted: a word of hope. I was accepted to USAFA SS last year and my best friend was not. Come this year, she already received her appointment and I have had no word. She was very discouraged, but it turns out her package was better than mine, so don't dwell. Just work on further improving yourself and your package for the application this summer/fall.
Also for those worried or discouraged, the SSs are generally much harder to get into than the actual academy. They have much fewer slots, and many slots are set aside for offers to those who might not normally attend a service academy. Don't let it get you down!
DS received acceptance email today for SS. Older DS already at USAFA. Older DS did not receive SS acceptance in 2014, but arrived for IDay in 2015. I hope to encourage you towards your goals in saying this. My experience with USAFA cadets has been outstanding because USAFA cadets are outstanding young men and women. Hoping for all the best for each of you.