Tape Test

Not like under my minimum, I have no issue of that lol. Since lifting weights Ive gained some weight so im 67.5 inches and im not sure if my maximum will be 175 or 180 but Im 169. Im 38% BMI but i got above average and close to maxing most of my CFA. I just dont know if being so close to my max is bad. Ive been trying to lose weight for 2months and Ive only managed to shed 5 or 6 pounds.
According to the online BMI calculator...being 5'7.5" tall and weighing 169 gives you a BMI of 26.1, not 38. I also tend to hear that both males and females lose a ton of weight during BCT so I would "guess" you might come out at about 160 or less.
Thanks. After posting here i realized what i had calculated was my body fat and not my BMI. I intend to just give it my all and see how my cards fall.
I doubt very much that your body fat is at 38% if you are 5'7.5" tall at weighing 169. If you are measuring your BF by a scale, they are often very wrong. If you are measuring with a tape...it may not be sufficient with the number of points to measure. 3 is often too few. Invariably, your BF is lower. Given the typical weight loss results from BCT, you probably will lose a good 6-10 lbs minimally with most of that being fat. Watch the refined carbs, and sugar and you should be able to lose some more BF in the coming week. Good luck. I already sent you a letter.
Thanks so much for that! And I can't wait to read it!
http://www.weightrainer.net/skinfoldbf.html http://www.free-online-calculator-use.com/skin-fold-test.html
I would not bet on losing close to ten pounds during BCT. You may lose a few, you may not, it's very dependent on the individual and the year. The reason why BCT caloric intake has been so high for the past few years is because weight loss has been such a huge issue.

Weight management is not a fun program, and if I recall, comes with aptitude probation if you don't get off it quickly.