The Supe that Stoled Spirit
the infamous email roaming around bancroft
> >Every Mid down in Bancroft liked ECA's a lot......
> >But the Supe, Who lived just north of Bancroft, Did NOT!!
> >
> >The Supe hated ECA's! They served no real purpose!
> >Now, please don't ask why. It just makes us nervous.
> >It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
> >It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
> >But I think that the most likely reasons - quite unoriginal
> >were that they were "secondary, optional and conditional".
> >
> >But, whatever the reasons, as like as is not,
> >he stood there on Air Force Eve, hating the thought.
> >Staring down from his cave with a sour, Supey frown
> >at the warm lighted windows below in Crabtown.
> >For he knew every Mid down in Bancroft beneath
> >was busy now, hanging a "Beat Air Force" wreath.
> >
> >"And they're painting their sheet posters!"
> >he snarled with a sneer,
> >"Tomorrow is Air Force! It's practically here!"
> >Then he growled, with his Supe fingers nervously drumming,
> >"I MUST find some way to stop Air Force from coming!"
> >
> >For, Tomorrow, he knew...
> >...All the Mid girls and boys would wake bright and early.
> >They'd march to the game! And then! Oh, the Noise! Oh, the Noise!
> >Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated!
> >Then the Mids, young and old, would tailgate at a feast.
> >And they'd feast! And they'd feast!
> >
> >They would feast on real burgers, and real hot dogs too,
> >Which came from those food groups the Supe tried to eschew!
> >And THEN they'd do something he liked least of all!
> >Every Mid down in Crabtown the tall and the small,
> >would stand close together, with goat bells a-ringing.
> >They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the Mids would start singing!
> >
> >They'd sing! And say BEAT ARMY! and they'd SING! SING! SING! SING!
> >And the more the Supe thought of this Mid-Spirit-Sing,
> >The more the Supe thought, "I must stop this whole thing!"
> >"Why, for thirty-three years I've put up with it now!"
> >"I MUST stop this spirit from coming!
> >
> >...But HOW?"
> >
> >Then he got an idea! An awful idea!
> >
> >"I know just what to do!" The Supe Laughed in his throat.
> >And he put on his Admiral's hat and his coat.
> >And he chuckled, and clucked, "What a great Supey notion!
> >"With this coat and this hat, I'm pure Rickover in motion!"
> >
> >"All I need is a lackey..."
> >The Supe looked around.
> >Navy lackeys are scarce; there was none to be found.
> >Did that stop the old Supe...?
> >No! The Supe simply said,
> >"If I can't find a lackey, I'll make one instead!"
> >So he called for the Dant. Then he took some gold thread
> >And he tied a big "L" on top of her head.
> >
> >
> >He opened the MidRegs
> >And began a great rant
> >"This is no time for talk!"
> >And he yelled at the Dant.
> >
> >"It's time for a walk!"
> >And then they made tracks
> >Toward the rooms where the Mids
> >Lay a-snooze in their racks.
> >
> >
> >All their windows were dark. Quiet ZZZZ's filled the air.
> >All the Mids were all dreaming sweet dreams without care
> >When he came to the first tiny room in the hall.
> >"This is stop number one," The old Supey-Supe hissed
> >And he knocked on the door, dusty regs in his fist.
> >
> >Not a sound did he hear. Then he opened the door.
> >"What's all this nonsense? We're a nation at war!"
> >
> >He stopped only once, for a moment or two.
> >As he rambled around this small room just for two
> >Where the little Mid calendars all hung in a row.
> >"All their free time," he grinned, "is the first thing to go!"
> >
> >Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most alarming,
> >
> >He went room to room with no attempt to be charming.
> >
> >He sent the Dant to King Hall. She took the Mids' eats!
> >She took the real bacon! She took all the treats!
> >She cleaned out all the reefers at the order of the nuke.
> >She filled them with food that would make them all puke!
> >
> >Then she stuffed the old food in the dumpster with glee.
> >"And NOW!" grinned the Supe, "Time for stop number three!"
> >
> >
> >As the Supe turned to leave, and he started to go
> >When he heard a light sound like the step of a doe.
> >He turned around fast, and he saw a small Mid!
> >Little Cindy-Lou Mid, who was not more than a kid.
> >
> >The Supe had been caught by this little Mid daughter
> >Who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water.
> >She stared at the Supe and said, "Supey-sir, why,
> >"Why are you taking our liberty? WHY?"
> >
> >
> >But, you know, that old Supe was so smart and so slick
> >He thought up a story, and he thought it up quick!
> >"Why, my dear young lady," the Admiral said,
> >"We're at war with the enemy - we want them all dead."
> >"So I'm taking your liberty, my dear."
> >
> >Pointing to her calendar, he smiled with a sneer,
> >"I'll take it away now. Then I'll give it back here."
> >
> >And his fib fooled the Mid. Then he patted her head
> >And he told her to study and then go to bed.
> >
> >And when Cindy-Lou Mid went to study with her cup,
> >He went to Gate 1 and he locked the place up!
> >
> >"Pooh-pooh to the Mids!" he was Supe-ish-ly humming.
> >"They're finding out now that no more fun is a-coming!
> >"They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
> >"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
> >"The all the Mids down in Crabtown will all cry BOO-HOO!"
> >
> >"That's a noise," grinned the Supe,
> >"That I simply must hear!"
> >
> >
> >So he paused. And the Supe put a hand to his ear.
> >And he did hear a sound rising over the Yard.
> >It started in low. Then it started to grow...
> >
> >But the sound wasn't sad!
> >Why, this sound sounded merry!
> >It couldn't be so!
> >But it WAS merry! VERY!
> >
> >
> >He stared down at Crabtown!
> >The Supe popped his eyes!
> >Then he shook!
> >What he saw was a shocking surprise!
> >
> >Every Mid down in Bancroft, the tall and the small,
> >Was smiling and laughing! Without any liberty at all!
> >He HADN'T stopped their spirit from coming!
> >
> >Somehow or other, it came just the same!
> >
> >And the Supe, with his Supe-feet too tight in his shoes,
> >Stood puzzling and puzzling: "Did they not get the news?"
> >"It came without liberty! It came without cheer!"
> >"It came without free time! It came without beer!"
> >
> >And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
> >Then the Supe thought of something he hadn't before!
> >"Maybe spirit," he thought, "doesn't come from a war."
> >"Maybe spirit...perhaps...means a little bit more!"
> >
> >And what happened then...?
> >
> > Crabtown they say
> >That the Supe's tiny heart
> >Grew three sizes that day!
> >And the minute his heart didn't feel quite so tight,
> >He whizzed with his MidRegs through the bright morning light
> >And he brought back the liberty! And good chow for King Hall!
> >And he...
> >
> >...HE HIMSELF...!
> >served real food for all!
the infamous email roaming around bancroft
> >Every Mid down in Bancroft liked ECA's a lot......
> >But the Supe, Who lived just north of Bancroft, Did NOT!!
> >
> >The Supe hated ECA's! They served no real purpose!
> >Now, please don't ask why. It just makes us nervous.
> >It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
> >It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
> >But I think that the most likely reasons - quite unoriginal
> >were that they were "secondary, optional and conditional".
> >
> >But, whatever the reasons, as like as is not,
> >he stood there on Air Force Eve, hating the thought.
> >Staring down from his cave with a sour, Supey frown
> >at the warm lighted windows below in Crabtown.
> >For he knew every Mid down in Bancroft beneath
> >was busy now, hanging a "Beat Air Force" wreath.
> >
> >"And they're painting their sheet posters!"
> >he snarled with a sneer,
> >"Tomorrow is Air Force! It's practically here!"
> >Then he growled, with his Supe fingers nervously drumming,
> >"I MUST find some way to stop Air Force from coming!"
> >
> >For, Tomorrow, he knew...
> >...All the Mid girls and boys would wake bright and early.
> >They'd march to the game! And then! Oh, the Noise! Oh, the Noise!
> >Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated!
> >Then the Mids, young and old, would tailgate at a feast.
> >And they'd feast! And they'd feast!
> >
> >They would feast on real burgers, and real hot dogs too,
> >Which came from those food groups the Supe tried to eschew!
> >And THEN they'd do something he liked least of all!
> >Every Mid down in Crabtown the tall and the small,
> >would stand close together, with goat bells a-ringing.
> >They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the Mids would start singing!
> >
> >They'd sing! And say BEAT ARMY! and they'd SING! SING! SING! SING!
> >And the more the Supe thought of this Mid-Spirit-Sing,
> >The more the Supe thought, "I must stop this whole thing!"
> >"Why, for thirty-three years I've put up with it now!"
> >"I MUST stop this spirit from coming!
> >
> >...But HOW?"
> >
> >Then he got an idea! An awful idea!
> >
> >"I know just what to do!" The Supe Laughed in his throat.
> >And he put on his Admiral's hat and his coat.
> >And he chuckled, and clucked, "What a great Supey notion!
> >"With this coat and this hat, I'm pure Rickover in motion!"
> >
> >"All I need is a lackey..."
> >The Supe looked around.
> >Navy lackeys are scarce; there was none to be found.
> >Did that stop the old Supe...?
> >No! The Supe simply said,
> >"If I can't find a lackey, I'll make one instead!"
> >So he called for the Dant. Then he took some gold thread
> >And he tied a big "L" on top of her head.
> >
> >
> >He opened the MidRegs
> >And began a great rant
> >"This is no time for talk!"
> >And he yelled at the Dant.
> >
> >"It's time for a walk!"
> >And then they made tracks
> >Toward the rooms where the Mids
> >Lay a-snooze in their racks.
> >
> >
> >All their windows were dark. Quiet ZZZZ's filled the air.
> >All the Mids were all dreaming sweet dreams without care
> >When he came to the first tiny room in the hall.
> >"This is stop number one," The old Supey-Supe hissed
> >And he knocked on the door, dusty regs in his fist.
> >
> >Not a sound did he hear. Then he opened the door.
> >"What's all this nonsense? We're a nation at war!"
> >
> >He stopped only once, for a moment or two.
> >As he rambled around this small room just for two
> >Where the little Mid calendars all hung in a row.
> >"All their free time," he grinned, "is the first thing to go!"
> >
> >Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most alarming,
> >
> >He went room to room with no attempt to be charming.
> >
> >He sent the Dant to King Hall. She took the Mids' eats!
> >She took the real bacon! She took all the treats!
> >She cleaned out all the reefers at the order of the nuke.
> >She filled them with food that would make them all puke!
> >
> >Then she stuffed the old food in the dumpster with glee.
> >"And NOW!" grinned the Supe, "Time for stop number three!"
> >
> >
> >As the Supe turned to leave, and he started to go
> >When he heard a light sound like the step of a doe.
> >He turned around fast, and he saw a small Mid!
> >Little Cindy-Lou Mid, who was not more than a kid.
> >
> >The Supe had been caught by this little Mid daughter
> >Who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water.
> >She stared at the Supe and said, "Supey-sir, why,
> >"Why are you taking our liberty? WHY?"
> >
> >
> >But, you know, that old Supe was so smart and so slick
> >He thought up a story, and he thought it up quick!
> >"Why, my dear young lady," the Admiral said,
> >"We're at war with the enemy - we want them all dead."
> >"So I'm taking your liberty, my dear."
> >
> >Pointing to her calendar, he smiled with a sneer,
> >"I'll take it away now. Then I'll give it back here."
> >
> >And his fib fooled the Mid. Then he patted her head
> >And he told her to study and then go to bed.
> >
> >And when Cindy-Lou Mid went to study with her cup,
> >He went to Gate 1 and he locked the place up!
> >
> >"Pooh-pooh to the Mids!" he was Supe-ish-ly humming.
> >"They're finding out now that no more fun is a-coming!
> >"They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
> >"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
> >"The all the Mids down in Crabtown will all cry BOO-HOO!"
> >
> >"That's a noise," grinned the Supe,
> >"That I simply must hear!"
> >
> >
> >So he paused. And the Supe put a hand to his ear.
> >And he did hear a sound rising over the Yard.
> >It started in low. Then it started to grow...
> >
> >But the sound wasn't sad!
> >Why, this sound sounded merry!
> >It couldn't be so!
> >But it WAS merry! VERY!
> >
> >
> >He stared down at Crabtown!
> >The Supe popped his eyes!
> >Then he shook!
> >What he saw was a shocking surprise!
> >
> >Every Mid down in Bancroft, the tall and the small,
> >Was smiling and laughing! Without any liberty at all!
> >He HADN'T stopped their spirit from coming!
> >
> >Somehow or other, it came just the same!
> >
> >And the Supe, with his Supe-feet too tight in his shoes,
> >Stood puzzling and puzzling: "Did they not get the news?"
> >"It came without liberty! It came without cheer!"
> >"It came without free time! It came without beer!"
> >
> >And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
> >Then the Supe thought of something he hadn't before!
> >"Maybe spirit," he thought, "doesn't come from a war."
> >"Maybe spirit...perhaps...means a little bit more!"
> >
> >And what happened then...?
> >
> > Crabtown they say
> >That the Supe's tiny heart
> >Grew three sizes that day!
> >And the minute his heart didn't feel quite so tight,
> >He whizzed with his MidRegs through the bright morning light
> >And he brought back the liberty! And good chow for King Hall!
> >And he...
> >
> >...HE HIMSELF...!
> >served real food for all!