Thoughts on SA reapplication plan?

Jan 22, 2018
I wanted to get a Plan B ready in case I didn't get appointed to either USMA or CGA.

So far I have gotten into VMI and have good hopes for V-Tech Corps of Cadets. In addition to these, I've gotten into to a few liberal arts colleges and state schools.

I am planning to reapply from one of these schools if I don't get into the class of 2022, however, I'm worried about a few things:

If I went to VMI, from what I understand, I would have next to no free time. Would this mean I wouldn't have any time to study for the SAT/ACT to be retaken? Also, would I not be able to leave campus to retake the exams? I also saw the service academy program at MMI & NMMI. If I truly want to be at a service academy, what would be the best option?

At VMI there really is no free time for you as you are a Rat for months, however, I wouldn't reapply to any of the service academies if you went to VMI because of the rigor of the ratline and how much you've been through in those months. I personally just don't think it's worth giving that up. However, if you plan on reapplying to the service academies, I would attend MMI or NMMI. They are more forgiving when concerning time to retake the ACT/SAT to reapply to an academy.
At VMI there really is no free time for you as you are a Rat for months, however, I wouldn't reapply to any of the service academies if you went to VMI because of the rigor of the ratline and how much you've been through in those months. I personally just don't think it's worth giving that up. However, if you plan on reapplying to the service academies, I would attend MMI or NMMI. They are more forgiving when concerning time to retake the ACT/SAT to reapply to an academy.

How do the academies look at HS GPA vs College GPA? Also, is it easier/harder/same difficulty to get into an Academy from college?
There is mandatory study hours for rats at VMI, so depending on your workload you could do some then. Sundays are pretty free so you could study then as well.

As far as getting off post for the exams, most likely you would need to write a permit and have it approved. You would need to arrange transportation to and from the test site as well. Your Dyke or possibly the Chaplain may be able to help with this or the parent of a local brother rat.

There are several each year at VMI that reapply. Some choose to go, some choose to stay with their brother Rats due to the tight bond.

Good luck.
If you need to improve your SAT/ACT grades then your plan should focus on the best way to do that. You will have all summer to study and then you can shoot to take the early September SAT/ACT wherever you decide to attend.
If you need to improve your SAT/ACT grades then your plan should focus on the best way to do that. You will have all summer to study and then you can shoot to take the early September SAT/ACT wherever you decide to attend.

Do you know how my high school GPA will be weighed against my first semester at college? Will the college GPA be weighed equally with high school?

What college GPA should I shoot for? I couldn't find information on this anywhere.
Son is a reapplicant to USAFA. He is at another SMC. He did retake his SAT last May. He took the SAT on a Saturday morning and had high school commencement the next day. He was able to bring his score up to over 1400.

He tried to do as much of the USAFA application, senator, congressional nomination packets as he could before leaving for Freshman Orientation Week at A&M. It was a challenge getting the application done during his fish year. I remember getting a few texts from him late on Saturday nights when he would work on his applications. He figured out that late on Saturday nights after football games was the best time to work on applications because the upperclassmen were out of the quad.

It worked out for son. He was able to get the application completed on time. He got a Texas senator and congressional nomination and a 3.7 GPA. So it can be done. :) He is still waiting to hear about an appointment.
There are a million post about these things but basically there is not a one size fits all approach.

A few points to consider:

1. Honest self-assessment: Where was your application as it relates to the class profiles and others. Your admissions rep can confirm but if you are honest, you know the answer. Somethings you can improve and others you cannot once you graduate high school. If you are not at or above the published averages, you have work to do.
2. Self Prep School vs 4 Year College: If you are not offered a sponsored scholarship, a four year college is a better option for most candidates as long as you have a strong foundation in your education and are mature enough to handle being on your own. It also provides a better path to a four year degree if it does not work out the next year.
3. What do I take in College: You should take a challenging course load similar to what a plebe would take. That does not mean in needs to be the exact same. If you test out of English or History, take another Science or Math class. Just do not fill your schedule with dance and music that first semester.
4. What do I need to shoot for in College GPA: Will your goal should always be 4.0, but there is also reality. Being above 3.0 with a challenging schedule will keep you qualified but it is still a competition. Just do your best. I have seen applicants with 3.1 get in and others with 3.6 not get in.
5. How do they look at high-school and college grades: This is where a college re-applicant has an advantage. You are scored like everyone else in terms of your high school performance and then college students can get additional WCS points that are not available to high school applicants. This alone will not get you in. Refer back to #1.
6. Will I have time to complete my application: If there is a will there is a way. There is no college student that does not have enough time to do anything if it is important to them. MOC packets are usually a little more challenging and may require more help from parents.
College applicants (or re-applicants) can retake the SAT? I thought once you were in college you weren't eligible for the SAT or ACT any longer. Transfer students, including those looking to join a SA (as a freshman, no advanced standing is possible) can't use their previous SAT or ACT scores? And I thought the biggest factor in scores/grades for a college applicant looking to apply (or reapply) to a SA was their current (college) GPA.
College applicants (or re-applicants) can retake the SAT? I thought once you were in college you weren't eligible for the SAT or ACT any longer. Transfer students, including those looking to join a SA (as a freshman, no advanced standing is possible) can't use their previous SAT or ACT scores? And I thought the biggest factor in scores/grades for a college applicant looking to apply (or reapply) to a SA was their current (college) GPA.

I believe you can take the SAT at any age. I was going to study and retake it if I didn’t get in for the class of 2022 because I felt it was my weakest part of my application, ~ 1300/30. Does the admission committee not consider it?