

10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jul 12, 2008
I know this is very early in the process, but I was wondering how long it takes DoDMERB to process my medical info.

as of now, my page says:

18-JUN-08 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
30-JUN-08 Application Added
18-AUG-08 Actual date of exam
26-AUG-08 Date exam received at DoDMERB
26-AUG-08 Medical data entry

when can I expect a decision: qualified, remedial, or DQ'd? Thanks!
It took about a month for me to get word on whether or not I was qualified (I got it by mail since I couldn't access the system at the time). It looks like its been less than 2 weeks for you. Just keep an eye out for it.
18-JUN-08 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
18-JUN-08 Application Added
01-JUL-08 Date to Contractor
01-JUL-08 Date to Contractor

I took my exams at the end of July and the middle of August, and they still aren't showing up. I don't understand.
I've been told that Concorde has 30 days from your last exam to get your forms to DoDMERB. You can track the status of your forms on the dodmets.com website. The dodmets.com site will show if your forms have been received. It took a few weeks for my forms to show up on the Concorde site. If you're really worried that something is wrong, call Concorde. They're really helpful and you don't have to wait on hold forever.

With DoDMERB, my remedial showed up three days after my forms arrived at DoDMERB on one application and on the second application literally hours after it was posted. Just be patient. It'll show up eventually.
The postings below are very interesting. Speaking in generalities does not help anyone. Just as medical issues are individualized for the most part, so is the processing. "If" you have a specific issue regarding YOUR case, I can't be any more open and accessible than I already am. Send me your question at Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil. Remember, I can only access the Forum late at night and on the weekends. I can NOT access it at work.:thumb:

d29061 - I would suspect you should see something by a week from Friday (DoDMERB is closed 28 Aug and 31 Aug). But again, pls email me @ Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil.

Packermatt7 - I can guarantee you that no one on this Forum next to me can answer your question:packermatt7 18-JUN-08 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
18-JUN-08 Application Added
01-JUL-08 Date to Contractor
01-JUL-08 Date to Contractor

I took my exams at the end of July and the middle of August, and they still aren't showing up. I don't understand.
Thanks for the quick responses. I actually just checked the DoDMERB site today, and I'm listed as Qualified. Really surprised by the fast turnaround!

so in the end my site looked like this:
18-JUN-08 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
30-JUN-08 Application Added
18-AUG-08 Actual date of exam
26-AUG-08 Date exam received at DoDMERB
26-AUG-08 Medical data entry
27-AUG-08 Date letter sent - DD2368: Status Letter
27-AUG-08 Date exam reviewed
Thanks for the help, and the quick response Larry. I'm now medically qualified :biggrin:
U R entirely welcome! Good luck:thumb: