@tibreaker You seem to be confusing the honor code with other rules or regulations in terms of tolerance. The honor code says a cadet will not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do.
There are also rules, regulations and laws that we all must follow. Failure to follow these rules can have the same consequences as an honor violation. While officers should hold themselves to the highest standard, no one is perfect and things happen.
The two lines start to cross when you lie about breaking one of those rules. Here is a simplistic example but should help make the point.
Your alarm clock does not go off and you miss a formation for some event and for whatever reason no one notices. There is no part of the honor code that says you have to turn yourself in for missing the formation. Learn from your mistakes and do not let it happen again.
Now lets say that you sleep through the same formation and you tell your roommate that "yep, I just slept right through my alarm". Later in the day your squad leader wants to know why did you miss formation. You answer that you had a Doctor's appointment that ran over and couldn't make it back in time while your roommate is sitting next to you. You have just committed an honor violation and also placed your roommate in a very uncomfortable situation as they know you are lying and cannot tolerate it.
The toleration portion is what makes the code unique and what ties the future officers together. You cannot put your brother/sister in arms in that type of situation.
So do your best to live honorably and also set the example for your soldiers by following the rules that everyone must follow and you will do fine.