the mother of a non-recruited middie who was NOT recruited but was always treated like he was recruited--look at the recent scores--just Google "Army West Point Track" and you can find it even on the USMA sports pages. Look at where you score in your best events. If you are close or above--especially for the younger students, then write to the coaches and say, 'This is who I am, I am already accepted, and I want to walk on the team." They may invite you to attend the pre-R-Day reception/picnic--where you can meet all the coaches, the other team members and the other incoming cadets. Also, you can store your good shoes and if you have special training clothes (as a girl, I am thinking "sports bra" but trying not to say it where the guys might here.) (Also, if you are invited do not allow yourself to be intimidated by the other incoming guy was met by the #2 kid int he Nation for his event--the jerky champion stuck out his hand and said, "I am John" and then said his time in the event. My guy did not feel very good leaving the picnic but "John the Fast Guy' did not stay at USMA. )
The morning of R-Day at 5.40 a.m. the coaches were out there greeting the kids and reassuring them. Just hang in there for three days. "See you on Thursday." It was great.
During the first week of Beast, you will have the opportunity to train with the team of your choice--everyone does and it is EVERY TEAM--just go with Cross-Country/Track--if you were invited to the pre-R-Day X/TF reception, then you will be reunited with your stuff. If you were not, then you can show up and show the coaching staff your all. Maybe you will be kept, maybe you will be cut--but in the Army, it is always good to run, and run faster. My guy loved being on Track--and his best friends are all mid-distance guys. Cross and T/F are super tight teams. Good luck.