We attended the USD NROTC orientation so I wanted to share the information we learned while it's fresh in my mind and it may help others contemplating applying to a San Diego school/NROTC program. We knew none of this before attending, so hopefully it's helpful to others.
1. USD is the hub for all of the other San Diego schools that have NROTC units -- PT, drill, Naval Science classes ALL take place at USD. Traveling to USD from the other colleges for PT, drill, classes, etc. does not seem a problem at all, except for Cal State San Marcos. Three started in the program from San Marcos, only 1 left due to transportation issues. SDSU and UCSD folks carpool and it seems to work well.
2. The San Diego units are considered one unit, and it is a huge one (totaling approximately 250 mids)
3. There appear to be many unique benefits to being located in the hub of diverse Naval and Marine operations right there in SD.
4. SD commissions approximately 10% of all marine officers, so lots of MO midshipman. Due to proximity to Camp Pendleton, there are enlisted Marines in the NROTC program who provide mentoring and insight.
5. You do not room with other NROTC folks initially.
6. For freshman, PT takes place either one, two or three days a week depending on how well you do on your initial PFT upon arrival. Arriving physically fit has huge advantages if you only need to PT once of a week, particularly to those traveling from other area schools or you want to sleep past 4:30 am.
7. If you did not receive the scholarship as a senior, or did not apply, do not fret if you have been accepted into one of the SD schools -- you can submit an application in the May time frame to walk on freshman year for the college program.
8. Our main concern was the timing of transferring the scholarship if my DS did not get accepted to his assigned school, because we kept hearing how competitive the NROTC units were in SD and that they fill up early. In the end, we were told it was not a big concern and, while no promises of course could be made, there likely would not be any problem transferring the scholarship if done promptly.
9. It was reiterated (and we have read on this forum repeatedly) that in deciding where to use the scholarship, one should pick the school first, not the unit, because anything can happen and the right fit for the school is the most important thing. Just opinions of course, to which others may disagree.