Uploading 104-R and creating Course Planner in GoArmyEd


New Member
Jan 20, 2015
My freshman year I had to create an academic plan (104-R) and list all the courses I would take each semester for all 4 years of college. I just created a GoArmyEd account and I am supposed to upload my 104-R and create my "course planner". I am told this is how we will get our scholarship money next semester. My question is: What if my classes have changed because I was not able to get into a class so I had to substitute another class? I see this as something that might happen each semester. I am trying to plan my spring enrollment now and I see two courses on my plan and they are both only offered one time and it is at the exact same time so I will only be able to get into one of them, and that is only if it doesn't fill up before I can enroll. Will I just continually update my academic plan, get it signed, and upload it each time? I cannot see how anyone could avoid this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
My DS does a new 104-R every semester. At the beginning of this semester, they did a paper 104-R and then the GoArmy course planner had to match. They then had to do the request for "billing".
My DS does a new 104-R every semester. At the beginning of this semester, they did a paper 104-R and then the GoArmy course planner had to match. They then had to do the request for "billing".
Does the 104-R have to match exactly as long as there is no major change? For instance, my DS has a course listed for this sping but now the University is not offering the class until Fall 2017. Is it ok to switch a class because of this or is Fort Knox going to have a problem with this?

As long as your major and graduation date stay the same, it's fine for your 104 to change each semester. Just make sure that you academic advisor is on board with your plan and your intended classes will allow you to graduate on time.
As long as your major and graduation date stay the same, it's fine for your 104 to change each semester. Just make sure that you academic advisor is on board with your plan and your intended classes will allow you to graduate on time.
Thanks Jcc 123
My son is working through this now, as well. It seems like they've had to adjust things a few times.
As long as your major and graduation date stay the same, it's fine for your 104 to change each semester. Just make sure that you academic advisor is on board with your plan and your intended classes will allow you to graduate on time.
DD academic advisor had to sign off on it!
As long as the classes are on your 104R, and input into GoArmyEd, you can insert them on your CPR (Cadet Payment Request) at any point.
As long as the classes are on your 104R, and input into GoArmyEd, you can insert them on your CPR (Cadet Payment Request) at any point.

How do you delete the old 104R on GoArmyEd? I have the new and approved 104R loaded.

You are not able to delete old 104Rs once you have uploaded them, as it states. You must just upload a new one in addition to it.