
Nov 21, 2017
I failed my first CFA very badly and was asked to retake. On the CFA I took today, a month later, I’ve hit around the average or above on everything.

My PE teacher was unavailable so I took the test with my rugby coach, which is valid for USNA. I would imagine that would also be valid for USAFA correct? Surely people have taken the test with their JROTC instructor or what have you and had it sent to USNA, right?

Tuesday is the last day for my deadline to retake, and if they don’t accept this CFA, I’m very worried as to what will happen.

Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
Joey your CFA should be good to go with all Academies. One CFA works for all. Worst case, one of the SAs can ask you to retake. But I wouldn't worry it should be fine. West Point requires you to video push ups and pull ups. Others don't so only send what they ask. Don't over do anything. Just follow the instruction. Good luck Candidate.
I thought USNA changed the rules and only PE teacher or BGO could now administer the CFA?
I failed my first CFA very badly and was asked to retake. On the CFA I took today, a month later, I’ve hit around the average or above on everything.

My PE teacher was unavailable so I took the test with my rugby coach, which is valid for USNA. I would imagine that would also be valid for USAFA correct? Surely people have taken the test with their JROTC instructor or what have you and had it sent to USNA, right?

Tuesday is the last day for my deadline to retake, and if they don’t accept this CFA, I’m very worried as to what will happen.

Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
Call your USAFA Admissions Counselor.