USMA Allocation of Slots


Oct 23, 2021
Hi, I've searched but I can't find the answer to this seemingly basic question. Are slots allocated in proportion to U.S. Congressional District? If so, is there any consideration for districts that have disproportionately large numbers of competitive applicants? Thanks.
Hi, I've searched but I can't find the answer to this seemingly basic question. Are slots allocated in proportion to U.S. Congressional District? If so, is there any consideration for districts that have disproportionately large numbers of competitive applicants? Thanks.
Go read the sticky note pinned to the top of the Nominations Forum.

Essentially, each Senator and Representative can have 5 appointees at USMA, 5 at USNA, etc., at any one time. That usually means most years 1 appointment is charged to the official, but in some years 2, depending on how many graduated the previous cycle. The officials can submit a slate (list) of up to 10 names for each available slot in a cycle.

The good news is the SA can also offer appointments to other fully qualified candidates on the slate, following guidelines, and those appointments get charged elsewhere, not to the official.

No, the size of the District has no impact, nor the competitiveness.
The only thing I would add to Capt MJ comments would be that highly competitive districts often have excellent candidates that can earn an appointment from the national pool.

There are 100 senators and 435 congressmen so that's typically 535 appointments and the class is typically 1200 so there are another ~700 appointments from the Vice President, National Pool, recruited athletes, etc.
1200 show up on R-Day, more are admitted, probably around 1400-1500. They lose appointees to other academies, ROTC, and loss of interest every year.