USMA Email for CFA

Feb 5, 2019
I received an email from USMA requesting that I redo my CFA. New due date 02/28/19. They reset my portal to have my coach re submit my new CFA. Does that mean my app is still competitive?

My district historically doesn't get many nomination requests and I might have been the only one my congressman nominated in my district or at least one of a very small list. Less than 5. What does this mean. It is normal to be requested to re submit a full CFA?
I received an email from USMA requesting that I redo my CFA. New due date 02/28/19. They reset my portal to have my coach re submit my new CFA. Does that mean my app is still competitive?

My district historically doesn't get many nomination requests and I might have been the only one my congressman nominated in my district or at least one of a very small list. Less than 5. What does this mean. It is normal to be requested to re submit a full CFA?

Were your numbers low? Looks like good sign to me.
It means you did not pass your CFA and your admissions counselor/RC wants you to retake the CFA to try to pass.
Consider yourself not competitive until you submit an improved CFA.
You could always call in and ask which elements require the most improvement; however, you should talk to your coach at school and set a day to make up the test.
Hope you have been practicing.
It means you did not pass your CFA and your admissions counselor/RC wants you to retake the CFA to try to pass.
Consider yourself not competitive until you submit an improved CFA.
You could always call in and ask which elements require the most improvement; however, you should talk to your coach at school and set a day to make up the test.
Hope you have been practicing.
Thank you, and I have asked for feedback and they were nice to offer advice. My coach and I have a solid schedule. It was more of a form issue and the angle of the videos. They also suggested I place my hands wider and look forward instead of down for my push ups.
There are good videos for push ups--for the form. You can place an object--pencil, piece of tap on the floor in front of your hands on which you can focus while doing the exercise.
Good luck. Get it down so you can get your packet to 100% !!!!!!
That is a good sign. Also consider changing your profile pic. You want to be an officer right?
Here is video:

I like the form with the elbows by the side--but have always done push ups with my elbows out. No one cares about that--they care about back straight!
Here is video:

I like the form with the elbows by the side--but have always done push ups with my elbows out. No one cares about that--they care about back straight!

Wow ... that’s how my son did it. He did elbows in (I always did them out) ... and sprinted doing 30. Then he did sets of five.

He refused to cheat in any way.

I would have cheated. My son did more in two minutes than I have done in my whole life! ;)
I also have 2 nominations for USMA from my MOC listed in my portal. 1 from my MOC for USAF and USNA. Does that mean I have all 5 of his available nominations? I know that very few people apply to the SA from my area. But I can't possible be the only one can I? And what does that mean?
I also have 2 nominations for USMA from my MOC listed in my portal. 1 from my MOC for USAF and USNA. Does that mean I have all 5 of his available nominations? I know that very few people apply to the SA from my area. But I can't possible be the only one can I? And what does that mean?

MOC can nominate ten per SA.

So it sounds like your MOC has two slates for USMA and you are on both, and one for USAF and one for USNA.

So it’s possible there are 18 others for USMA and 9 for USAF and 9 for USNA.

Those are the max ... the actual number depends on how many applied and received noms. you could be the only person from your congressional district--like maybe you are in Idaho, Wyoming, western Nebraska, South Dakota or North Dakota (please, don't give yourself away--are you really from NY: New York?) So, yes, you got the noms. Probably why they called you to help you get on board for 3Q...that and they may have figured that your coach/your school had never helped a candidate with the CFA.
On R-Day a couple of years ago (when #3 matriculated)--there was a map of the US with a yellow dot on the hometown of each incoming cadet. Southern California, DC, NY, Fort Bragg, parts of Texas--were lit up like they were supposed to be bright yellow--the states I mentioned above...maybe one, maybe none.
Maybe the odds are in your favor.
Take your test, do your best, and see what happens.