USMMA public information


Apr 28, 2023
Anyone know why KP is so quiet when it comes to providing information about life at the academy? On their main page they have day by day journal entries for Sun-Sat where a mid from any class writes about that typical day, however only like 3 of the days out 7 have an entry, and they seem to be from 2015-ish. The example of a typical daily schedule is very minimal especially compared to USCGA's page on it. Also to note KP's Instagram seems to be inactive since 2020.
KP is historically dragged down by the bureaucracy of the Department of Transportation. I personally know mids who have tried to present ideas and updated content for the website, but they are consistently denied. The excuse from the KP administration is that everything has to be reviewed in Washington which never seems to happen. There are still pictures on the website that are from before my DS started there in 2009. Despite numerous changes of superintendent, no one seems to see this glaring issue or have any desire to make changes.
Anyone know why KP is so quiet when it comes to providing information about life at the academy? On their main page they have day by day journal entries for Sun-Sat where a mid from any class writes about that typical day, however only like 3 of the days out 7 have an entry, and they seem to be from 2015-ish. The example of a typical daily schedule is very minimal especially compared to USCGA's page on it. Also to note KP's Instagram seems to be inactive since 2020.
You can ask me I spent 4 years at Club Shangri La. Best place to be from sucks while your there.😁
Anyone know why KP is so quiet when it comes to providing information about life at the academy? On their main page they have day by day journal entries for Sun-Sat where a mid from any class writes about that typical day, however only like 3 of the days out 7 have an entry, and they seem to be from 2015-ish. The example of a typical daily schedule is very minimal especially compared to USCGA's page on it. Also to note KP's Instagram seems to be inactive since 2020.
If your worried about it being a nightmare at Club Shangri La don't worry just deal with the suck while you're there. Your bank account will thank you when its all over.
The Zoo, Club Shangri La - any other affectionate terms for my kids new home?! 🤣

I just want to be prepared for the references
The Zoo, Club Shangri La - any other affectionate terms for my kids new home?! 🤣

I just want to be prepared for the references
Most alumni references include only four letters so be prepared for a lot of that too. As was said to me when I was home for Christmas plebe year ... "it's not so much that you said it that bothers me, but the ease with which it came out of your mouth.".
KP is historically dragged down by the bureaucracy of the Department of Transportation. I personally know mids who have tried to present ideas and updated content for the website, but they are consistently denied. The excuse from the KP administration is that everything has to be reviewed in Washington which never seems to happen. There are still pictures on the website that are from before my DS started there in 2009. Despite numerous changes of superintendent, no one seems to see this glaring issue or have any desire to make changes.
They are missing some opportunities for positive PR. My DS (who accepted her appointment) has friends who have gone through the SA process with her and wish they had asked for a nom to USMMA and applied but didn't know much about this branch at all during the process. We certainly received a ton of beautiful collateral from the USCGA.
They are missing some opportunities for positive PR. My DS (who accepted her appointment) has friends who have gone through the SA process with her and wish they had asked for a nom to USMMA and applied but didn't know much about this branch at all during the process. We certainly received a ton of beautiful collateral from the USCGA.
We like it that way. When one finds out about KP and its opportunities after graduation it's like finding out about a buried treasure. We're a smaller alumni but we're probably the tightest alumni amongst all the academies. We can not have seen a classmate in over 30 yrs and have a conversation like we saw eachother yesterday. Even if one goes active duty we all still have our mariner roots which binds us like a family. Everyone laments about not applying to Kings Point after the fact but thats on them for not doing their research or too starstruck with the other big 3 academies. In the end we're the ones sitting pretty. Careerwise and bank account wise. The choices we have after graduation are limitless and none of us are pidgeonholed into babysitting ballistic missile silos for 5 years in nowhere middle america like a certain colleague of mine. "God steer the well, KINGS POINT!" Welcome to the Zoo family.