No swimming, no wrestling, no boxing. What is the place coming to? Pretty soon, it will be just like any other college. Of course, I spent 4 years on the swimming sub squad so validation was the furtherest thought from my mind. I was 6' 5". 210 lb and rowed crew. Great lower body strength but nothing topside. In wrestling and boxing I was always paired with a football player (they didn't validate). Many of my "fondest" memories are from the boxing and wrestling lofts. Unless you had it first period, the headgear was always wet and sweatly from the previous class. Always a great start. FOF, I hope you're wrong. Of course, swimming and wrestling are more common now as high school sports than they were 40 years ago so it kinda makes sense not to have those go through the classes. However, the jump off the 10m platform,the underwater swim techniques, and swimming strokes designed for survival aren't mastered on most high school swim teams. For those anticipating becoming airdales, there is the ever-present water survival training where the Navy does everything they can, on a continuing basis, to try to drown you, so being comfortable in the water is very important. In my opinion, one cannot spend enough time in the water. Of course, that is the perspective of a permanent subsquadder.