

15-Year Member
Jun 9, 2006
So, who is planning to validate courses when they get there?

Personally, I'm looking at English, Biology, Chemistry, and Calc 1.
I'm going to try to validate Calc 1 and possibly Calc 2, we'll see though.

I'll probably "try" to validate like computer science and maybe some other classes that I have taken. If you have no idea what you are doing during those tests, it sounds like a good place to rest.:thumb:
Well, my experience is from USNA, but I imagine it applies at USAFA, too.

When it comes to validating, you have to consider two things:

1) Validating as much as possible will free up your curriculum and course load during LATER YEARS, so you can take electives you like, retake courses you messed up, or just blow it off and coast.

2) Validating tends to push you into harder classes during Plebe Year, where the pressure is extremely high even under the most nominal courseload.

So, if you think you can handle advanced courses during Plebe Year, then it is definitely worth your while to validate everything you can because the payoff later is really worth it. If, OTOH, you are not certain that you can handle advanced Chemistry, Differential Equations, and whatever else ON TOP of being a Plebe, then maybe you'll want to coast now.

Your call. Just understand that you really only get to make it once, so make it count.

Good luck.
texas_falcon said:
If you have no idea what you are doing during those tests, it sounds like a good place to rest.:thumb:

LOL. Well, there is that, too! :wink:
I agree with Z later on you'll free up for more classes but a lot of kids that validated wished they didn't because they struggled instead of getting an easy A and a grade booster.
C09Blacksheep said:
I agree with Z later on you'll free up for more classes but a lot of kids that validated wished they didn't because they struggled instead of getting an easy A and a grade booster.

You're looking at one.

I tried to validate Chemistry. What happened? I didn't validate, but they thought I'd done well enough to take HI-TRACK Chemistry.

Talk about a MISERABLE Plebe Year. :frown:
Did they make the Hi-track chem mandatory if you scored high, but not high enough to validate?

Zaphod said:
Just understand that you really only get to make it once, so make it count.

I recall reading in a couple places...maybe a few of the forms in the Permit to Report packet...that you'll get another chance to take validation tests closer to the beginning of the Ac year. Can any mids confirm this?
Interesting. In my day, validation exams were given only at the beginning of each academic year, and in some circumstances at the beginning of second semester.

If they have two sessions during Plebe Summer (and something is tickling my memory that they might), then all the better.

However, I wouldn't count on being allowed to take the same exam twice.