Hi - I am "new" to this world -- have a son who will have an academy on top of his list for applying to next year, and I was hoping to get some info before the process is started. As a 5 year old he was stung by wasps and had a systemic reaction-emergency room treatment was necessary. Since I figured this kid would be "out in the woods" more and more we went ahead with 5 years of "venom therapy" through an allergist. So from the age of 10 on, he is essentially no longer allergic, and has indeed been stung more than a few times with no reaction - benadryl is not even necessary. My question/fear is this: I assume this would all have to be disclosed to dodmerb, but would it be disqualifiable since it is resolved, or would it just be a matter or producing all records from the allergist and then get a waiver? Thanks -- I just want to be proactive and prepared before the journey!