justawife said:
Webb was a Dem, then a Pubby and then a Dem again.
If he keeps this up, he'll give Kerry a run for his money for the "Flip-Flop King" title.
I really believe we need more people who are vets in congress, people who have been to war know what it really means to go to war.
Like Murtha and Kerry?
I look to what a person stands for not if they have a R or D after their name.
I think everyone else does, too. The thing is that in general a persons beliefs fall into either one camp or the other. Not entirely, mind you, but in general it's true.
The really problem that I see with congress these days is that all the moderates are gone
Sorry, but I disagree. What we are missing is people of character. I wouldn't mind the liberals if they would stand up and actually say what they believe. The thing is, they know they will LOSE if they do (hence the complete absence of the Democratic leadership during the past several days). As for the Republicans, too many of them love to talk the talk, but then ditch the Conservative mantle when they get to Washington, either because they didn't mean it or because they want to be popular among the beltway illuminati.
Another thing that is different now than in the past (or at least as far back as mid-Vietnam) is that politics USED TO end at the water's edge. If America went to war or even threatened to, the country stood mostly united. Nowadays we have too many traitors and scumbags who are willing to sell the entire country down the river just to get their precious asses back into power. It's utterly pathetic, and if you think I don't hold the GOP responsible for not getting into their faces about it rather than cowering in the shadows, you are grossly mistaken.
We don't need moderates in Congress. I won't even say we need more Conservatives (which I'd be ecstatic with if they actually governed that way). No, what we need is people of CHARACTER. Sadly, one side has practically none, and the other doesn't have nearly as many as it should. Until THAT is rectified, we're screwed.
ETA: I have no earthly idea why the post I quoted now appears AFTER this one.