Haha no problem I really appreciate it, it's really helpful. Since corps must return at 7pm, are they allowed to go get food after that or are they locked in their dorm? Also is there a preferred residence hall for the corps? Like which one in your opinion is the best. I think that's about it for questions, once again thank you so much!
oh also, do you prefer double or multiple occupancy dorming? And can you get a mini fridge in the dorm to carry milk or something in there? Sorry for the random questions lol
My son is a freshman cadet in VTCC. The program is quite regimented. Much more so than a ROTC unit that does not have an associated Corps of Cadets.
All of the VTCC live with other cadets. This year there is one brand new dorm, Pearson Hall, and several older dorms. When you register at VT, you indicated that you will be part of the VTCC. Your room assignments are based on the Corps company you are placed in. You will not select your dorm or roommate. Next year a second new dorm will be complete and cadets should be roomed only in the two new residence halls.
First year cadets are allowed a small fridge, microwave and coffee pot. No TV for freshmen. No radio. He had contact info for his roommate before arriving and they arranged who would bring the fridge and who would bring the microwave. My son was in one of the older dorms. It had a bunk bed, two desks, and two closets. Each cadet had a dresser (one under the lower bunk and one in a closet). The room was quite spartan. They were allowed one poster each after completing the first Caldwell March in mid fall. The newer residence hall will be newer, but still pretty spartan as dorms go. New cadet restrictions should be about the same.
As others mentioned, there is time to run errands during the day, if you are not in class. Having said that, cadets are very busy with classes and Corps obligations, especially if they are General Engineering majors freshman year. My son is able to check out in the evenings to study at the library or in academic buildings. I don't think that permits him to leave campus during ECQ study time to go buy food, but I will let cadets get into more specifics on that. Cadets attend every home football game and have Corps or ROTC obligations during many of the other weekends.
Once you put a deposit down, you should receive a lot more information from the VTCC. They have a detailed new cadet handbook that lists everything you are required/allowed to bring with you. There are also a couple parent Facebook groups that I would recommend your parents join. They have been very helpful. You should plan to attend one of the summer orientations, when you will register for classes, sign any ROTC paperwork and get measured for the first sets of cadet uniforms. I also highly recommend that your parents come along to the New Cadet reporting day. After they deliver you and your stuff, there is an afternoon of briefings from the Corps staff that is quite helpful. Many parents are also able to connect with other parents from your company and your local area, which can also be helpful.
I will say that I am very impressed with the VTCC. I think my son made a great choice in attending and has had some incredible experiences. I say that as a service academy alumna.