Wait list Stats


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jun 21, 2007
From CollegeData.com 2006. Thought this was interesting.

Admission Rates
Overall Admission Rate 11% of 10,747 applicants were
Students Enrolled 1,191 (97%) of 1,228 admitted
students enrolled

Admission Rate
Students Offered
Wait List
Students Accepting
Wait List Position
Students Admitted from
Wait List
maybe some stupid questions; but how do you know if you're on the wait list?
is this something that develops after April 15th notices have gone out? are you notified you're on a wait list? thanks.
Not a stupid question. I don't know when or how the academy decides but my D got a letter saying she was wait listed on April 2nd or 3rd. It says she will not hear anything until after the academy hears back from all the appointed candidates after May 1st and it could be as late as June.

Yes- the numbers above were pretty sobering. My D was at a meeting last night and spoke to a parent who has a son at the academy. She asked my D if she would be willing to go even if she had only a few days notice as her son knows someone from 2 years ago that got his call 2 days before I-day. In reality it is a lot to think about.
I had a classmate who found out the day before, and one who came after R-day....no thanks.

Good guys though, I can't imagine what that was like, being an "individual" like that so early.