West Point requesting a waiver on your behalf means you are competitive on the slates that you have received a nomination for. You need to have a nomination, your packet approved by the admission committee and pass the DODMRB physical to be qualified for admission, hence the term 3Q.
We are in the last few weeks of the waiting game. All of the competitive slates close at the end of this month and they will start to finish filling the class.
Remember you compete against the candidates from the same nomination source, which is most likely your MOC. If you do not win that competition, you then go to the National pool where it is a more difficult competition.
There is no way to know how competitive you are on your slate. If you are the top ranked candidate on your slate, your odds are very good, if you are the third ranked candidate and one of the candidates above you accept, then your chances just got much less. Your RC knows this information and may give you some idea. I would suggest emailing him and asking the question. "Now that may waiver is approved, how competitive am I on my MOCs slate?"