

Jul 20, 2022
Hello, I am sure all Apple Watches will be taken for basic. Has anyone looked into getting a digital watch? I heard about a Gshock watch.

G-Shocks are great and last forever, I believe your watch will be taken away regardless, but I recommend a G-Shock or a Garmin Watch.
DS had his watch taken away for basic.

He said the worst part was waking up at night not knowing if it was 2 am or 2 minutes before the cadre start beating down the door :cool:
Get a $30 black G-Shock. No colors unless you want to become great friends with the Cadre
Cheapest watch cause you might not use it during Basic. As soon as it is over you get your Apple watch back.
G-shocks are good. After you commission, a good "dumb" watch can be really useful if you work with classified material (can't take cell phones or smart watches in the vault).
For '26, it was squad dependent on whether or not to take away watches. Most squads took all of them away on I-Day and during the final week of basic they gave us our watches (not smart watches) back. My squad allowed us to use our watches to wake ourselves up that final week. As for keeping time, we were issued laptops and sometimes we kept them overnight. I don't recommend looking up stuff and playing games, as you could get in big trouble. Most of us just checked our laptops for the time during the night and that was it.