WCS algorithm


5-Year Member
Apr 10, 2012
My school does not rank because it is very competitive with almost 100% of class going to college. Six AP courses and 3.5 gpa. SAT math is above recent years average, but below average on verbal. Leadership and athletics are well above average, class president , boys state, lots of community service and other leadership roles, and multiple varsity sports and captain titles. Attended SLS, easily passed the CFA and great interview with MALO.

My question is how much will below average verbal sat hurt my WCS? Does the academy give more weight to math sat? I am really worried that below average verbal is going to seriously damage my chances. It falls within the 25th to 50th percentile and I continue to take Sat, and ACT verbal was 28 and writing score was a 9 out 12. Anybody have insight into whether above average scores in all other areas will offset verbal sat weakness?