Welcome Picnics for incoming swabs/prepsters


Sep 19, 2019
For those who have been offered an appointment and have accepted, keep an eye out for information on Welcome Picnics by your local Parents Association Chapter.
I encourage all of those accepted to join the Class of 2028 Facebook page and for the parents to join the main US Coast Guard Academy Parents Association page. You can join the Parents Association even if you have not actually joined the Parents Association. There are also pages for the Parents for each class, and many of the local chapters have their own page as well. These pages are one of your main sources of information, and they provide a place to ask questions of other parents.

Most chapters will have some sort of welcome for the incoming swabs and prepsters before Day 1. Several have already started posting on the main Parents Association. I know it is a busy time of year, but if you are able to attend, they are usually worthwhile. The incoming swabs and their parents will get a change to meet other families from their area. Many will become good friends. Usually the chapters will have a few current cadets or recent graduates come to the picnic to answer questions from the swabs, and current parents will be there to answer questions of the parents.