Welcome to my first post


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 7, 2008
Hi there. I'm new here. I was referred by someone on collegeconfidential dot com when I asked for the best place to find AROTC info.

We attended a college fair last night. DS was rather ho hum throughout the whole thing. Then, just as we were about to leave he asked, "Mom, where's the Army ROTC table?" Then he found it on the map and beelined.

So now I'm trying to learn as much as I can in case he is serious in his interest.
Welcome DougBetsy! :)

I, too, was recommended here from collegeconfidential! Small world. =)

If you have any questions about Army ROTC, the scholarship process, etc., please don't hesitate to ask. I went through the whole process, received one, and declined it 2 years ago (and now I'm re-applying for it... lol). There are loads of other helpful people here too, and LOTS and LOTS of parents. =)

Again, welcome!!
Welcome DougBetsy! :welcome1:

Give the search feature a try...look around...and do not hesitate to start a thread with your questions.

My son applied to AROTC by going online. There is a lot of good info at http://www.goarmy.com.

If your son is interested in an Army career he should look at all his options, including USMA.
Antoinette is right - the website has lots of good info!
Your son has lots of choices for Army ROTC. If he wants a 4 year scholarship he needs to apply soon the deadline is Dec 1, I believe.

He can also choose to enroll without a committment.
Ask away!