What are my chances/what can I do


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 23, 2009
I am a hs Junior obsessed about USMMA. Know a lot about it. I have around a b average now. I am in a lot of extra curriculas and did well on the PSAT. However, I have had bad grades likes 77 for english and 78 for math freshman year. 84 for math sophomore year. mostly b's this year. Do you think I'll get in? I live in a sparsely populated state. Thanks. I strongly do not want to attend NMMI and would rather transfer in from Maine Maritime.

Follow your dream, apply, study really well for the SAT/ACT , work out for the CFA, apply for MOC nomination, but try to pull some of those grades up for the 2nd half of Jr year. Good Luck

I strongly do not want to attend NMMI and would rather transfer in from Maine Maritime.

Recognize that as at all the academies, you start the four-year academy process when you arrive. Previous coursework, while helpful in a general sense, will not shorten your stay. Whether you spend the extra year at Castine, hoping to be selected for the next KP class, or spend it at NMMI already selected for the next year's class is the question.