What are you expecting?


USCGA 2006
15-Year Member
Nov 25, 2007
Coast Guard Academy Cadet Candidates,

A good deal of this website is devoted to prospective cadets/midshipmen asking questions to current cadets/midshipmen, parents, prior service members, and alumni about what they can expect...

Now I have a few questions for you;

What do YOU expect out of the Academy? What do you see it giving to you? What do you hope to get out of four years at a pretty tough institution? What do you hope to do after you walk across that stage, receiving your diploma and commission?

I would suspect many of those answers will change, starting with that first day your drive through those front gates to the day you leave holding a tough envelope containing your BS degree, commission as an Ensign in the USCG, and your new military ID.

Let me know what you're hoping for out of the institution. Keep in mind I am not an admissions officer, I don't know anyone's name here, so I don't need to see the response to an admissions questionaire.

Thanks in advance for the responses. :thumb:
This question is also open to prospective cadets/midshipmen of other US Service Academies, public and private military colleges and ROTC programs...

Just clarify which school/program you are taking about to help us all out. :wink:
This question is also open to prospective cadets/midshipmen of other US Service Academies, public and private military colleges and ROTC programs...

Just clarify which school/program you are talking about to help us all out. :wink:
note: I'm going to the Coast Guard Academy with the class of 2012.

What do YOU expect out of the Academy? What do you see it giving to you? What do you hope to get out of four years at a pretty tough institution?

What do I expect? I think this an interesting question because from my perspective it seems like what you get from an Academy (or any experience) is what you put in. What I hope to leave the Academy with is the skillset necessary to be a successful officer in the fleet and perhaps even beyond that. Discipline, time-management, dealing with stress more constructively, respect for others, and putting the interests of the whole above my own are a few things I need to improve upon. I think some of these may come with just getting older and more mature over the years, but academies have a reputation for instilling a lot of these ideals.

What do you hope to do after you walk across that stage, receiving your diploma and commission?

I'd love to go to flight school, but since I don't have uncorrected 20/20 vision, I'll be on a ship for a few years while I get LASIK or PRK. I don't mind this at all actually, since the Coast Guard is a maritime service I think that I should be familiar with life afloat and what it's actually like to be on a ship for an extended period of time. Spending at least one tour on a ship used to be mandatory if I'm not mistaken, I'm not sure when/why they changed this. I'd like to be on a big ship in the ocean somewhere.

Keep in mind...I don't know anyone's name here,

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What do YOU expect out of the Academy? What do you see it giving to you?

I'm expecting the academy basically to teach me everything I need to know to be effective in the field and all. One of the more important things I'm hoping to get out of it is more self discipline and a better education. I figure that with the strict military being of it, I would be better off with my studies as I have some motivation and structure to my schedule rather than going to a college that just basically says "get it done by this date." I enjoy (for the most part) the military lifestyle, I've been hoping for it for a very long time.
Overall, I can't see myself living in Delaware for so long just around the same people and doing the same exact thing every day. I want to have the opportunity, at least, to get out there and go somewhere different, and to do something. Having the chance to be in the coast guard, no less attend the Coast Guard Academy, gives me this opportunity as well as giving me the chance to go into the military like I always wanted.

What do you hope to get out of four years at a pretty tough institution?

Again, self discipline for the most part. I have a bit, but would like more. A very good education of course..... I also hope to get the opportunity to do different things that will challenge me as an officer in the coast guard. As well, it is just opening up opportunities for me to do many things, so as tough as it is, I'm giving it everything I've got.

What do you hope to do after you walk across that stage, receiving your diploma and commission?

I'm not 100% sure on that yet, you never know until you are closer. I'm looking at this one day at a time right now (esp come swab summer). What would I think I would like to do? Something on a cutter perhaps. Ideally, be down in FL going after fast boats would be fun. That's just saying though. Who knows, I'm not looking that far ahead yet.