What does WSC mean?

Dec 8, 2016
Like most of the parents I've seen here, my DD has a completed app under review with a passed Dodmerb and Moc nomination in hand. She passed her physical assessment at summer seminar and we attended CVW last Spring. With the admissions convos all saying something about if you don't have a LOA then they WSC the file, or pull from the WSC, or something about the WSC which only makes sense if you know what a WSC is! Help! I know I'm trying to analyze something that isn't analyze-able but we have to do something with all of this anxiety! Yes, yes, yes, Plans B, C, and D, but we can do that all at once because our DD/DS are overachievers! Thanks in advance.
Thanks Rick, it probably was.... but I wouldn't have known WCS either so double thanks.

There are tons of acronyms in the military world. For future reference, along the top of this page is a link to The Acronyms List. You should see most of them listed. Good luck with your DD's appointment. We are waiting too to hear about DS's application to the USNA (as well as the USAFA and USCGA).